Making the Family Table a Priority
As my daughter and I were organizing her cookbooks we came across a sheet that had some wonderful tips on bringing the family back to the table and the importance of it in the home.
If anyone knows the source of the following guidelines we would appreciate knowing because we have searched everywhere to give proper credit but were not able to find the source of these beautiful guidelines.

Eating at the Table -Some Wonderful Benefits
-Love is expressed
-The Lord is honored
-Character is developed
-The physical body is better nourished
-Training is experienced in a natural way
-Children practice sharing and self-control
-Family members learn to serve one another
-Conversational skills are practiced and refined
-Respect is shown for one another as good manners are practiced
-Daily schedules can be discussed bringing order to family planning
-Gratefulness, praise, and appreciation for each other can be shared
-The practice of proper table manners prepares children for adulthood
Checklist for Returning to the Table – Making the Table a Priority
-Repent to the Lord for compromising this valuable principle and begin making changes in your priorities
-Clear the table of clutter. Stop using it as a drop off point for everyone to stash their stuff
-Increase the number of meals you eat together. Not every meal has to be eaten around a table. For example, eating pizza while watching a football game or enjoying a good movie is a great way to have family time occasionally.
-Play a CD while dining as background music
-Always edify one another while sitting at your table
-Use your best dishes for your family so that they feel just as important as any special guest.
-Prepare meals that your husband likes. Include nutritious foods like fresh vegetables. This causes children to experience foods that they may not choose. Have them taste new foods.
-Include someone else at your table at least once a week. For example, invite a child’s friend, a relative, a lonely single person, an unsaved friend or co-worker
-When you unload the dishwasher, set your table in advance for the next meal you will serve. Employ the help of your children in this process.
-Be practical. Even simple and quick preparation can be special. Ask for help in setting the table with colorful paper plates, napkins and plastic ware.
-Flowers with a lighted candle always add a special touch
I pray that if you have gotten away from the importance of the family table this will help you get back to it. If you do family devotions during meal time I suggest you keep your devotional material somewhere near the table so it is easy for your husband to access when leading devotions.
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