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I’m continually communicating with busy homemakers to see areas that they are struggling in and need some guidance and encouragement. You are not alone, I’ve been there and I want to help you see the purpose and importance of your calling as a wife, mother, and homemaker.
Our purpose here at Thankful Homemaker is to provide truth-filled, gospel-driven encouragement to homemakers who amid their ordinary days desire to honor and glorify God in all things.
Contentment in our homemaking begins with finding our satisfaction in Christ.
Below are some of the most popular posts on the blog and they’re a good place to start. If you’re searching for something specific please use the search bar and you can find it in my sidebar along with a listing of categories on the blog too.
Quick Links:

Spiritual Growth:
Can you fit in time for God’s Word? Podcast EP 15: Prioritizing God’s Word When Life is Busy
What might time in the Word look like daily? Starting Your Day With Jesus
How can a busy mom study God’s Word? Bible Study Helps for Busy Moms
What are some good study resources? My Favorite Bible Study Tools
I’d like to learn more about the Spiritual Disciplines: Podcast Series on the Spiritual Disciplines
Home Management:
I’m overwhelmed in my homekeeping and don’t know where to begin? Where to Begin When You’re Overwhelmed or listen in to the podcast for more encouragement and guidance here.
Thinking about setting up routines to help your days run smooth? Podcast EP 21: Routines of the Day
Need examples of what daily tasks may look like? My Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly Tasks
I’m a planner so check out How I Plan My Days
Do you need an example of a simple cleaning schedule? EP 126: My Simple Daily & Weekly Cleaning Schedule and here are 50 of My Favorite Cleaning Shortcuts.
Do you need the reminder that your homemaking matters to the Lord? EP 79: Homemaking Matters: A Good God Working Out His Purposes in the Midst of Our Ordinary Days
Struggling with Menu Planning? Here is my menu planning category to get you started.
What are the top habits I work into my day to keep it running smoothly? 10 Simple Habits to Having an {Almost} Always Clean Home
Clutter a struggle? Podcast EP 15: Simple Tips for a Clutter-Free Home
If you start in one place for this area I pray it would be the podcast/post series on marriage. You can find all the podcast and posts here.
How well do you love your husband? Loving Our Husbands
Respect Him? How Respectful Are You To Your Husband?
Are you Kind to Your Husband? Are You Kind to Your Husband?
Do you Pray for your Husband? A Prayer for Our Husbands
Are you a good helper to him? 18 Ways to Be Your Husbands Helper
What about a little romance? Romancing Our Husbands
This one is just a favorite of mine – Podcast EP 17: Our Identity in Christ and What it Looks Like to Cherish Our Husbands
If you’d like a playlist of listens check out the marriage series from the podcast here.
How gently do you correct your children? Gently Correcting Our Children
Every moment matters. Podcast EP 51: Our Mundane Moments Matter
What about loving our children? Loving Our Children Part One & Loving Our Children Part Two or listen in Podcast EP 20: The Blessing of Loving Our Children
Communicating with children or teens? Biblically Communicating With Our Children & Building Better Communication with your Teen & She Opens Her Mouth with Wisdom
Praying for our kids. Your Best Parenting is Done By Prayer & Praying God’s Word Over Our Children
The importance of family dinners. Podcast EP 25: The Family Dinner Table
Christian Living:
Contentment is an area we all deal with – Learning Contentment
We hear the term but What Does it Mean to Abide in Christ?
What about when God’s Plans Interrupt Mine
How to get more reading time here are Simple Tips to Reading More Books for Busy Moms
Are you trusting Him? Keeping a Quiet Heart
Where to begin in sharing the Gospel – Podcast EP 59: Evangelism
Dealing with our speech –Podcast Ep. 1: Taming Our Tongues
Feeling a bit critical today? Podcast Ep. 8: Dealing with Our Critical Spirits
When you become a member of the Thankful Homemaker community, you’ll receive gospel-driven, truth-filled encouragement to help keep your eyes on the eternal and remind you always that Jesus is enough.
Sign up for my monthly newsletter and get access to helpful and specific content to encourage you in your role as a homemaker and point you to Christ.

Would you like more involvement in our community? If you’re on Facebook please join our private group for Thankful Homemaker. It is an encouraging group of women and a place to share and get prayer and guidance.
You can find me most active on Instagram but I’m also on Pinterest and Facebook.
Here is a list of some of my favorite resources if you’re looking for some helpful reads.