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Are You Investing in What Truly Lasts?

Inside: What we treasure reveals where our heart truly lies. Earthly things fade, but eternal treasures last forever. Are we living for what matters most?

"Woman sitting at a table with an open book and coffee, gazing thoughtfully out of a window, reflecting in a peaceful, light-filled room."

Matthew 6:19–21

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

~ Matthew 6:21

We don’t always notice how easily our hearts become attached to the things of this world. It happens quietly. The longing for a more comfortable home, admiring someone’s picture-perfect life online, or pride in our children’saccomplishments—good things, but things that can slowly take center stage in our hearts.

Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:19–21 stop us in our tracks:

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth… but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”

It’s not that possessions or accomplishments are wrong. The Bible praises wise stewardship. But Jesus is pointing deeper, to what we desire most—our true treasure. The problem comes when our hearts cling too tightly to what won’t last.

We may not say it out loud, but the way we spend our time and resources speaks loudly. What consumes our thoughts? What do we fear losing? These questions reveal where our treasure lies.

Jesus invites us to something better: treasure that moth and rust can’t destroy, treasure that thieves can’t steal. Heavenly treasure. The kind that lasts.

What we treasure reveals where our heart truly lies. Earthly things fade, but eternal treasures last forever. Are we living for what matters most? Click to Tweet

This doesn’t mean we ignore the here and now. It means we hold things loosely, using what God gives us for His purposes. Time spent in His Word. Relationships built on truth and love. Generosity that serves others and furthers the gospel. These are investments that pay eternal dividends.

Jim Elliot’s words come to mind:

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

It’s a simple reminder: This world is not our home. Our hearts were made for more.

Consider This:

  • If someone looked at how you spend your time and resources, what would they say you treasure most?
  • How can you invest today in what will last for eternity?

A Closing Prayer:

Lord, help me see where my heart has clung too tightly to the things of this world. Teach me to treasure what matters to You. Shape my desires to love what lasts—Your Word, Your people, and Your purposes. Amen.

If you’d like to explore this topic further, you can listen to the corresponding podcast episode here:
👉 Where is Your Treasure? — Podcast Episode 131

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