Can You Explain the Gospel if You Only Had a Minute?

We’ve been reading The Gospel and Personal Evangelism together as a family and church family. It is a book every believer should read – yearly.
So, what if you only had minutes with someone to share the gospel? At the grocery store or airport or if someone asked you to summarize what is the gospel? Could you do it? Mark Dever asks his prospective members to share the gospel in one minute or less.
So, what if you only had minutes with someone to share the gospel? Could you do it?Here is his answer to that question:
“The good news is that the one and only God, who is holy, made us in his image to know him. But we sinned and cut ourselves off from him. In his great love, God became a man in Jesus, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross, thus fulfilling the law himself and taking on himself the punishment for the sins of all those who would ever turn and trust in him. He rose again from the dead, showing that God accepted Christ’s sacrifice and that God’s wrath against us had been exhausted. He now calls us to repent of our sins and to trust in Christ alone for our forgiveness. If we repent of our sins and trust in Christ, we are born again into a new life, an eternal life with God.”
~ Mark Dever, The Gospel and Personal Evangelism
Related Links:
Can You Share the Gospel
The True Meaning of the Cross
The Importance of the Gospel in the Life of a Believer
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Your Sphere of Influence
The Most Difficult People to Witness to: Your Family