EP 114: Delighting in Being Keepers of Our Homes

One of the ways we adorn the gospel (as it states in Titus 2:10) or make it beautiful is by the care and keeping of our homes. We have been given the responsibility, as Christian women, to the care and management of our homes.
In this episode, the hope in our time together is that we capture the reality of God’s hand in every aspect of our lives as workers at home. There is purpose ladies being worked out in our normal day-to-day life. God is always at work behind the scenes.
The Lord is redeeming our character as we go about our daily tasks.
It’s in the unseen work our God is doing that I want us to remember when those days are hard and long and seem meaningless. What we see as routine, the Lord sees as His hand molding us more into Christlikeness.
There is no separation in God’s Word between the secular and sacred. Everything is sacred if we’re in Christ, including cooking, running errands, cleaning, and wiping runny noses.
Our homes are a primary place where we serve our families and others by the grace of God and for His glory.
Listen to the Podcast Below:
God’s higher purposes are being worked out in our seemingly ordinary days
Resources Mentioned:

Who Am I?: Identity in Christ by Jerry Bridges
Show Notes:
There are two areas I know if you are a regular listener to me here at the podcast – that we all agree on before I move forward:
First: God is our source of truth and our reference point for all of life and
Second: Glorifying God in all we do is and should be the desire of our hearts as Christian women.
“The home is where a woman provides the expressions of love for her husband and her children. The home is where she leads and guides and teaches and raises the godly generation. The home is where she is protected and secured from other men and potentially wicked relationships and abuses. The home is where she lodges strangers, washes saints’ feet, shows hospitality and devotes herself to every good work. That’s her sphere. And whatever of that home and whatever of the goodness of her life she can take outside and not sacrifice the home is between her and the Lord and her husband.”
~ John MacArthur
“Apart from God’s grace, most of us naturally tend to be concerned about our responsibilities, our problems, our plans. But the person who has grown in the grace of kindness has expanded his thinking outside himself and his interests and has developed a genuine interest in the happiness and the well-being of those around him.”
~ Jerry Bridges
“God has a magnificent and wonderful design for women. It is a design which will fulfill their created purpose, maximize their uniqueness, make them a blessing to the world, and bring fulfillment to their own lives and glory to the name of God. And that design is briefly stated there in those verses. The instruction there is God’s design for women – women in the church – so that the church can have a powerful witness and so that God can be glorified and His Word honored.”
~ John MacArthur
“God’s higher purposes are being worked out in our seemingly ordinary days.”
“Our godly behavior adorns the Gospel and puts on display the beauty of Jesus to a watching world.”
“We have the ability to create a haven, a little bit of heaven here on earth as we are being prepared in the midst of doing that for our eternal home in Heaven one day.”
“You need to honor the Lord where He has placed you and love and care for the family He has gifted you with, in the way He has gifted and equipped you and in the season you are in.”
“Our homes are a primary place where we serve our families and others by the grace of God and for His glory.”
“Our homes are a mission field and they are a place where we can make known the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
“We just need to deal with today—we don’t need to worry about tomorrow. Our lives are to be offered to the Lord as a living sacrifice and we do this one day at a time and one moment at a time.”
“Humility and surrender are the way to true joy. We will never lose what we offer to Christ. Our sanctification in this life—becoming more like Christ—takes place moment by moment, task by task.”
Scripture References:
- Titus 2:3-5
- Titus 2:5
- Titus 2:10
- Ephesians 4:14
- Titus 2:1
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17
- Romans 8:28
- 1 Samuel 16:7
- Romans 5:3-4
- Titus 2:8
- 1 Corinthians 10:31
- Deuteronomy 6:4-9