Thankful for Brothers and Sisters in the Faith

We are saying goodbye today to some dear friends from Norway who have spent the last several weeks with my daughters family. My son-in-law Ruben and Ole met online through Ruben’s Norwegian Christian website Omvendt several years ago. There are not too many like-minded believers in Norway so when you come across one another you realize what a blessing from the Lord it is – and Ole and his wife Jannicke are truly a blessing from the Lord!
Goodbyes are always hard especially when we have such kindred spirits because of the work the Lord has done in each of our hearts. They will be missed but they will be well prayed over and thought of often.
Their visit has encouraged us as a church family. It has been so sweet to see their love of the Lord and their hearts to continue to see the lost in Norway come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
As they head home tonight I ask for your prayers for safe travel and for encouragement as they head back to a country that is dark to the saving knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a country that has been taken hold of by the health, wealth and prosperity gospel. Ole and Jannicke desire to see the truth of God’s Word spread through the community of faith in Norway. Pray for their church family to remain strong and stay on the straight and narrow path. (We need to be praying that for all our churches!)
“So then as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” ~ Galatians 6:10

“We must keep in mind that Jesus’ path to glory was marked by pain before pleasure, sorrow before joy, humiliation before glorification, persecution before exaltation, death before resurrection, earthly hatred before heavenly worship. To remember those truths about our Lord’s earthly life will protect us from the foolish and ungodly promises of the so-called health and wealth gospel, which vitiates His command to take up our crosses as He took up His.”
~John MacArthur
Related Links:
Omvendt Youtube Channel
False Teacher by Shai Linne