The Influence of a Godly Grandmother

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.
2 Timothy 1:5
As a new grandmother, this verse has encouraged me in the role the Lord has given me to pass on my faith to the next generation. There are some key points in this verse. First, Lois had a faith to pass on. She passed it on to her daughter, Eunice, who passed it on to her son, and because of the faithfulness of these two women, we were blessed with Timothy.
Timothy’s faith was not inherited but was his own that was shared with him by these two women who were influential in his life.
Timothy's faith was not inherited but was his own that was shared with him by these two women who were influential in his life.I was not raised in a believing family, but God, in His goodness through saving me, has given me an opportunity to pass on my faith to the next generations that are to come after me. Having a daughter and son-in-law who just had their first child last year and are now expecting baby number two at the end of this year has me praying and seeking God’s Word on what my role is as a grandmother to influence their children in His ways.
One of the most important areas we have to influence the lives of our grandchildren is prayer. Am I praying daily for their salvation? That they would come to know the Lord, grow in their relationship with Him and pass their faith on to future generations? My prayers can make an eternal difference in their lives, and what better way to love them than to lift them to the One who loves them more than I could ever imagine.
Take the time to pray with them and ask them about their specific prayer needs. Praying Scriptures such as Psalm 1, Psalm 78:1-8 and Joshua 1:8 are some examples of taking the time to pray God’s Word over them.
Seek mom and dad’s guidance on how to better pray for your grandchildren and how you can be praying for them as parents raising these children to love and serve the Lord.
Modeling Jesus in Our Lives
Does the life I live honor the Lord, and is it evident to my grandchildren? Does my walk match my talk? We all know from experience that more is caught than taught. Don’t get me wrong, we must be intentional to teach our grandchildren about the things of the Lord, but if the Lord’s work in my life is not evident to them, it will not have much value or credibility.
Do they see that their grandmother trusts the Lord at all times? Is the love of Christ modeled in my interaction with them and others? Am I gentle, kind, compassionate and loving? Are the fruits of the spirit evident in my life? Would I want them to imitate my spiritual life?
My relationship with the Lord must be of primary importance, and I must be taking the time to spend with Him in His Word and in prayer.
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
Sharing our Lives
Spending time with my granddaughter is such a delight that I look forward to every moment we can have together. I truly love being able to drop everything to play and enjoy her at the stage she is in. After raising children, the reality of how quickly time flies is fresh on my mind, and I don’t want to miss an opportunity to see her smile, hear her laugh or just sit and chat with her.
I want to be a help to our children in raising her and to be available for them to have alone time to continue to make their marriage a priority in their lives.
Enjoying being able to help my daughter with chores so she can enjoy her children is so important to me. I want to aid her in cherishing her time with her children.
It is sad when you hear stories of grandparents who are too busy with their own lives to pour into the lives of their children and grandchildren. God has given us a second chance to influence another generation of children. The time I spend with them and the truths I pour into them can make an eternal difference in their lives.
Leaving a Legacy of Faith
O God, from my youth you have taught me,
and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.
So even to old age and gray hairs,
O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim your might to another generation,
your power to all those to come.
Psalm 71:17-18
Every day of our life we make choices. Do we make choices based upon our comfort or choices that will have a lasting impact towards the next generation? May we proclaim the goodness of God to the next generation. May we be intentional about the spiritual legacy we are passing on to our children and our children’s children.
Proclaiming the message of Christ is of primary importance. The saving message of the Gospel is the most important gift I can pass on to my grandchildren. My personal legacy doesn’t matter as much as teaching and training the next generation to love God with their whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. May we all invest in treasures in heaven that cannot be lost.
Related Resources:
The Power of a Godly Grandparent: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy by Stephen & Janet Bly
Marci, this is a wonderful post, and I can hear your heart throb with love and joy as you nurture your whole family! I am so thankful to be closer to that time myself, and am so excited to see what the Lord has for our children’s families soon :)Thank you for giving purpose and encouragement to others in this position. God bless your day.