Praying God’s Word Over Our Children
“I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer.”
~Martin Luther
Our children are a gift from the Lord, a heritage, a reward (Psalm 127:3) and they are ever so precious to the Lord and us. Caring for our children is an immeasurable responsibility but as believers, we are not left alone in or to fend for ourselves. We can cry out to the One who created all things and is the only One who can redeem them.
Related Link: Spiritual Disciplines Series
We must take the time to train them up in the ways of the Lord, but they must see that their parents are truly dependent on the Lord for all things. Do they see us on our knees crying out to the Lord for needs? Giving Him praise in and through all things? Do we pray with them so they too will come to trust in God’s provision in all things? Remembering that He does supply us with all our needs and He does work all things out for good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
Praying the scriptures was familiar to me but not something I did easily on my own until I was introduced several years ago to Setting Their Hope in God: Biblical Intercession for Your Children by Andrew Case. This book is packed with scripture prayers to pray over and with your children.
It will direct your hearts to God’s Word, and you will find yourself spending more time in prayer as you are praying the very words of God over your children. If your children are not saved, what better time spent than crying out for the salvation of their souls. As their parents, you know them best, where they struggle, what concerns them and the decisions they have to make. There is no better way to grow in your love for your children than to intercede for them in prayer.
There is no better way to grow in your love for your children than to intercede for them in prayer.Praying Through the Word
Let me share a prayer from the book so you can see the richness of praying through God’s Word. Take the time to pray over your children the truths of the Word shared here, try not to skim over it or come back again when you can meditate on God’s Word. Look up the references in your Bible to see the source of the prayer.
“Eternal God,
Let my precious children rejoice in the Word, through whom all things were made. May they seek life only in Him.
Praise be to Your name for causing them to receive Him and believe on His name, for giving them the right to become Your children. Open their eyes to the glory of the Word, the glory of Your only Son, full of grace and truth. From His fullness let them receive grace upon grace–the grace and truth that come through Jesus Christ. Help them to do what is true and come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been carried out in You.
Help them not to judge by appearances, but instead to judge with right judgment. And when they thirst, let them go to Christ and drink. Let them follow closely after Him always, so that they will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. Make them abide in His Word as true disciples so that they may know the truth and be set free by it (John 1 & 8).”
~Setting Their Hope In God: Biblical Intercession for Your Children page 193
You don’t need any more than your Bible to pray God’s Word over your children. This book and Andrew Case’s book on scripture prayers for your husband, Prayers of an Excellent Wife: Intercession for Him, have been right next to my Bible. I do use them daily in interceding for my husband, children, and grandchildren. I still enjoy praying through the Psalms with Psalm 121 being a favorite.
Related Link: EP 56 Prayer (part of the Spiritual Discipline Series)
Another resource that has been a guide to praying the scriptures is a little book by Donald Whitney called Praying the Bible. He has a mini-series on YouTube that’s a help too.
Benefits of Praying the Scriptures
Praying the scriptures will keep you in God’s Word and help you in meditating on it throughout the day. It will keep your prayers Christ-focused and remind you of the gospel daily. You will grow in your knowledge of God and His Word. It will expose sin in your life which will drive you to desire more of the Word to be reminded of the Gospel. Your love for God will increase and so will your love for others as you pray His Word over them. It will deepen your prayer life and take your eyes off self and put your eyes on the only One who deserves our attention and praise. May we pray with bowed heads and humble hearts to the Lord.
“What makes a heart upright and what makes prayers pleasing to God is a felt awareness of our tremendous need for mercy.”
~John Piper
Related Links:
How to Pray Using Scripture – Kevin DeYoung
10 Reasons to Pray the Scriptures – Desiring God
EP 98: 4 Truths to Pray for One Another – Thankful Homemaker
A Birthday Prayer for My Husband – Thankful Homemaker
Setting Their Hope in God: Biblical Intercession for Your Children by Andrew Case
Prayers of an Excellent Wife: Intercession for Him by Andrew Case