Blessings of Humility

“Humility is God’s will for each of his daughters. In fact, God wants humility for us more than He wants our service or our good works, because humility honors our good God and enables us to live confidently with peace, contentment, and joy.
God will go to great lengths to humble us so that we don’t miss out on his blessings. How does God produce humility in our heart? He often does so by bringing into our lives wildernesses, weaknesses, and trials of all sorts. It is in times of trouble, times when our personal resources run dry, that we are most likely to look for evidence of God’s goodness and power at work. He sends wildernesses and trials into our lives to teach us to depend solely on him.”
~Trust: – A Godly Women’s Adornment by Lydia Brownback
“God uses difficult times in our lives to teach us that there is only one reason that anything works in our lives: God ordains that it should work….Whatever God ordains to be will be, and only what He ordains to be will be. Difficult circumstances show us the reality of our lives: we are dependent on God for absolutely everything!”
~Wayne Mack
Remember, it is not your weakness that will get in the way of God’s working through you, but your delusions of strength. His strength is made perfect in our weakness! Point to His strength by being willing to admit your weakness.
Paul David Tripp
Beautiful reminder Marci!