Biblically Dealing With Our Sinful Struggles

The term authentic Christian seems to be overtaking everything. We want to be real and honest with our struggles and that is a good thing but as a Christian God’s Word doesn’t just leave us there.
My husband is one of my best friends to spur me on to love and good deeds. When I’m having a difficult season or letting my emotions rule he is quick to bring me back to the truths of God’s Word. He sympathizes with me whatever the struggle is but he doesn’t leave me wallowing in my own self pity or sinfulness.
He gently and firmly takes me to the truths of God’s Word. You know what, I do the same for him. We can listen and can share our own struggles in a specific area but we need to bring it back to the Word.
See, we are no longer under the law as believers in Jesus Christ but under grace. Sin doesn’t rule me anymore. I have a new identity as a Christian and have the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome sin.
I am not saying we will never sin. Yes, we will still sin and sadly we do a lot (1 John 1:9).
You think you don’t sin a lot? Well, how often is the Lord the first priority of all your thoughts? Just spend a moment in your mind to see what it is dwelling on? Anger? Jealousy? Comparison? Frustration? Not thinking good of others? Thinking you’re better than others? – see, we sin a lot.
God has given us all that we need in Christ to overcome our sin. We must confess and repent and don’t stay in that sinful state. Keep fighting the good battle of the faith. Spur one another on to love and good deeds. Keep memorizing scripture (especially in areas you struggle) to bring your mind back to truth.
The next time your friend or spouse or child comes to you with an area of struggle, listen, sympathize and bring the conversation back to the Word of God. The Bible is the only source of hope and truth in all situations of life we will face here on this earth. Take the time to pray for one another right at that moment.
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