EP 152: The Authority of Jesus (Matthew 7:28-29 – Sermon on the Mount Series)
Inside: Jesus’ words have authority because He is God. Whether it was the original hearers of the Sermon on the Mount or present-day readers of the Bible, we cannot argue…
Inside: Jesus’ words have authority because He is God. Whether it was the original hearers of the Sermon on the Mount or present-day readers of the Bible, we cannot argue…
My husband and I have been attending the G3 Conference in Atlanta since 2017. We are grateful for the opportunity to attend in person, but we understand that it may…
Inside: In Matthew 7:24-27, we find a contrast between the wise man who builds his house on the rock and the foolish man who builds his house on the sand….
Inside: The sin of grumbling or complaining, whether silently or aloud, is a sin against the Lord. It implies that, at that moment, I am saying Jesus is not enough….
Inside: Whether you’re a new homemaker or a seasoned one, we all desire to find joy in caring for our homes and to do all our work as unto the…
As we continue our time in the Sermon on the Mount, we have the warning in Matthew 7:21-23 of two alternatives laid before us. Depending on where we fall determines…
Inside: We must be diligent students of the Word. We cannot be reminded enough that theology matters. Many people fall into following false teachers because they don’t know what God’s…
Inside: The Lord used the influence of Timothy’s mother and grandmother in bringing him to saving faith. As a young believer and a young mother, one of the scriptures that had…
Inside: As a mother and grandmother, I appreciate the significance of treasuring every moment spent with family, especially when children are young. Learn to embrace each day as a gift…
Inside: There is no neutrality with Jesus – we are either on the broad road to destruction or the narrow road to life. As we continue in our series on…
Inside: Sometimes, we can get so busy with the everyday details of life and can forget or miss the opportunity to minister to those the Lord has placed in our…
Inside: We’re to be persistent in prayer. We need it just as much as we need oxygen to breathe. It’s the lifeline to those of us in the Kingdom. We’re…
Inside: Our friendships with one another will only have a solid foundation and be able to flourish if they are built on the solid rock of Christ. We all know…
Ladies, I invite you to sit with me a bit. I’d fix you a cup of tea, but for these moments together, I am unfortunately going to have to ask you to fix…
Inside: When we see ourselves and our sin rightly, when we are broken by our sin and in a place of humility, we will be in a place to remove…
Inside: Some practical reminders to not let the busyness of the day rob you of taking the time to truly enjoy this man that captured your heart so many years…
Inside: I am sharing various systems, tools, and routines I’ve appreciated having available to me as a homemaker and how they help me manage my days. I’m sharing a walkthrough…
Inside: When we focus on the things of this world, our hearts become anxious. Jesus reminds us in this passage that we don’t need to worry about the necessities of…
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