My Favorite Benefit of Homeschooling: Being Home!

My Favorite Benefit to Homeschooling…………Being Home!
Pretty simple, but after years of public school, traveling a good distance to take our kids to a Christian school, and before and after school activities galore, being home was such a blessing.
I shared previously that we didn’t homeschool our son until he was in eighth grade so it was a bit of a transition for us but one I look back on with much gratitude that the Lord drew our hearts to bring our son home.
As I’m writing this, I am reminded of all the wonderful reasons we chose to homeschool, but being home was always near and dear to my heart. So my focus today is to share with you the benefits our family experienced in our time together at home.
Benefits of Being Home:
-God’s Word and prayer was the main part of our day at home together.
-More time with our children to be the primary influence in their lives.
-It brought on more family closeness, better communication and unity.
-Flexibility to study our children’s natural talents (music, art etc.) and for school credit too!
-Three meals together every day.
-Family devotions had no time limit.
-Doing chores together throughout the day.
-More time and opportunities to teach important life skills.
-No more late night homework.
-Freedom to travel along with Dad on business trips together.
-Flexible vacation schedules and being able to work them into the current curriculum we were studying.
-Learning to adjust the schedule to interruptions from visitors and ministry needs. It taught our children to be flexible to the Lord’s plan for our day.
-We’re a pretty loving bunch to fit in with – No peer pressure 🙂
The one I am most thankful for is the closeness it brought to our family. We love being together, and it has remained a priority in our lives. It is an example I hope our children will carry on in their own families. There is no greater blessing from the Lord after the gift of salvation than the gift of our families.
“In the family, life is brought not only to our doorstep, but into our kitchens, bedrooms, and dens. In the family, life is happening all around us, and it begs to be questioned, evaluated, interpreted, and discussed. There is no more consistent, pregnant, dynamic forum for instruction about life than the family, because that is exactly what God designed the family to be, a learning community.”
~Paul David Tripp
Please share some of the benefits you have seen in your family from being home together.