EP 24: Dealing with Our Grumbling and Complaining
Inside: Why does it seem grumbling and complaining are so tolerated within our Christianity? Sometimes I think we tolerate it because we don’t always think of it as a sin since it is so commonly practiced among us.

We’re talking about a topic that I pretty confidently say affects all of us. It’s our grumbling and complaining. My hope today is that the Lord will fill us with joy no matter our circumstances, and we will rejoice always and give thanks in all things.
As believers, we can do this, and how do I know this – because as it says in Philippians 2:13 – it is God who is at work in you.
So let’s dig in, and I pray that as we start our time together today, you will pray for the Lord to give you a thankful heart.
Why does it seem grumbling and complaining are so tolerated within our Christianity? Sometimes I think we tolerate it because we don’t always think of it as a sin since it is so commonly practiced among us.
We grumble about the weather, our government, our churches, our circumstances, and so many other things that truly are trivial in light of eternity.
Listen in to EP 24: Dealing with Our Grumbling and Complaining:
Show Notes:
“there is some addictive level of satisfaction that comes from engaging in copious amounts of complaining that keeps us coming back for further feeding at its trough.” ~ Ronnie Martin
“Complaining is an internal deception that gives way to a verbal reality. It’s believing that we are entitled to something better than what we’ve been given. It’s saying on one hand that we believe God is not really in control, but then being dissatisfied with His choices when we believe He is. It lacks logic. And it’s addicting.” Ronnie Martin
“Preferring anything above Christ is the very essence of sin. It must be fought.” ~ John Piper
“We have moved from the emotions (desire) and the intellect (deception) to the will… Christian living is a matter of the will, not the feelings. I often hear believers say, “I don’t feel like reading the Bible.” Or, “I don’t feel like attending prayer meeting.” Children operate on the basis of feeling, but adults operate on the basis of will. They act because it is right, no matter how they feel. This explains why immature Christians easily fall into temptation: they let their feelings make the decisions. The more you exercise your will in saying a decisive “no” to temptation the more God will take control of your life.” ~ Warren Wiersbe
“Complaining will seem increasingly ugly when you let the beauty of God’s Word transform your words.” ~ Ronnie Martin
Scripture & Resources:
Philippians 2:13
James 1:15
Galatians 5:16
Hebrews 10:24
Ephesians 5:15-21
Philippians 2:12-16
Philippians 2:14
John 7:12
Exodus 16:7-9
1 Corinthians 10:7-10
Exodus 15:22-24
Exodus 16:2
Exodus 17:3
Numbers 16:49
Romans 8:28
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Exodus 16:8
Philippians 2:15-16
Psalm 142:2
2 Peter 1:4
Romans 8:28
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Colossians 3:1-17
Stop Your Complaining: From Grumbling to Gratitude by Ronnie Martin
A 12 Point Cure for Complaining – Eternal Perspectives Ministries
Tortured for Christ the Movie – the Story of Richard Wurmbrand
Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Everyday Talk: Talking Freely and Naturally about God with Your Children by John Younts
I wanted to thank you for publishing this blog post. It’s an older post but it’s one that I look back on frequently. It definitely made me rethink the way I speak and the amount of grumbling and complaining I do without even thinking about it. What an eye opener! I continue to pray for the strength and ability to hold my tongue.
Thia was such convincting yet refreshing truth! Something that would be good to listen to multiple times. I plan to listen to it again with my kids so I can teach them what I am learning and what they can learn too.
Thank you for this. God always knows what you need to hear and just when you need to hear it.
What a blessing to hear! Thank you. Oh to allow our tongues to be controlled by Christ & not self.