Simple Ways to Share the Gospel as a Family

Dear Readers, I am sharing today an encouragement to share the Gospel where the Lord has placed you from a dear friend of mine. Elly is a wife, mother, homeschooler and bold witness for Christ. Her days are busy but she makes time to share the Gospel with the lost the Lord has placed in her life. This shouldn’t be looked at as another item to add to your to do list, but something that naturally comes out of gratitude to the Lord for saving your soul and your desire to see others come to a saving knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ. May you be encouraged and spurred on to love and good deeds by this sister in the faith today.
Dear Christian, if you’re not sharing the Gospel now, do you think you’ll start when it gets worse? Please, no more filling the schedule with all sorts of things – let’s get about our Father’s business now (yes we all have duties, but we can make some room, yes?). Make a commitment to intentionally share the Gospel on a regular, scheduled basis.
May God help us to be faithful to His Word - His calling to all Christians to fulfill the Great Commission.
Here are some ideas; feel free to add more Biblically-sound ways in the comments:
* Buy Gospel tracts (You can get 100 for about $6 at Living Waters & Tract Planet) and give them to the cashier at the grocery store. Or you can leave them among the groceries on the shelves (and you’ll eventually move to give one to the cashier.
* Buy Gospel tracts and once a week, pick up a phone book (haha yes I guess they can be useful!) and write out the address of a random person from your city and mail them a Gospel tract.
* When you get those Mormon missionaries or Jehovah’s Witness knocks on the door – instead of ignoring the door or just saying “no thank you” – give them a Gospel tract and/or share the Gospel with them.
* Include a Gospel tract in your bills that you pay by mail. Include one even if it’s going to a Christian ministry (have you looked at American Christendom lately?)
* If someone compliments your kids (“oh how cute!”) see that as a DEFINITE requirement that they get a tract
* At the gas station, leave a tract as you’re pumping. You’ll get good at being covert.
* When you get sales calls, share the Gospel with the person, or at least point them to visit
* When a customer service rep at a company finally asks “Is there anything else I can do for you today?” answer with a “Yes! Tell them when you get a chance, check out the website – it tests to see if you are “good” enough to go to heaven! Since we all die and will face God on judgment day, it’s good to know where we stand now before God!
* Share the Gospel with your family and friends and church folks too – yes, even the professing Christians! Christians LOVE to hear the Gospel, and non-Christians NEED to hear the Gospel.
* When you go to a restaurant, coffee shop, etc. – always give a Gospel tract with a generous tip too.
* Write a heartfelt letter to dear friends and/or family about the Gospel and your loving concern for their souls.
* Post about the Gospel on FaceBook. What better use is there of FB? So you Like things and post about food and fashion, but not the Gospel? That Gospel that commands us, sinners, to repent of our sins and flee to Christ alone for the forgiveness of our sins? You can do it! 🙂 No really, you can do it.
* Teach teach teach your children about the Gospel and our great Savior. This is primary!!! Don’t neglect and assume that Sunday school or you being nice and going to church is enough, it’s not!! If you don’t help your children see how very sinful they and you are, and how very desperately we all need the Savior Jesus – and you rather just say “Jesus died for sinners” and neglect to show your children how very sinful they indeed are – oh they will end up despising the idea that they need a Savior, if you neglected to show them clearly that they are real sinners! Friend, don’t leave this off – it’s your primary duty! God’s wrath is real, and if they don’t flee to Christ Who absorbed the wrath on the cross for all who flee to Him in repentance and faith, then they.will.suffer.HIS.wrath! Would you hear them on Judgment Day say “Mom/Dad, why didn’t you warn me to flee to Christ? Must I suffer now because of your neglect?” (of course, they have responsibility individually before God – but so do you, dear friend, to instruct them).
* Include a Gospel tract with your Christmas cards – all of them! Christians LOVE to hear the Gospel, and non-Christians NEED to hear the Gospel.
* Commit to going out, intentionally, to share the Gospel with folks – yes strangers! – on a regular, scheduled basis. Believe me, it’s almost easier to share the Gospel with strangers than it is to share with family & friends! But ALL need to hear the Gospel, and many many many will never enter a church that preaches the Biblical Gospel – so we should go to them. Fish don’t jump into a boat, so fishers (of men) need to reach out of the boat to bring ’em in 🙂 And the Great Commission says “Go!”
* Playdates and playground visits are perfect times to pass out Gospel tracts to fellow mamas, so have some tracts ready in your purse and determine before you arrive to pass out tracts – and ask God for the help to “let love swallow fear” as Ray Comfort says. There are also wonderful Gospel tracts for children that include a Biblical call to repent and trust in Christ, so remember to pick some of those up as well (see Living Waters)!
When our dear children see us zealous to share the Gospel, even amidst our fear (fear of man worth fighting against!), by passing out Gospel tracts and/or sharing the Gospel “as we go”, then it will help show them that we truly have a concern for the souls of our neighbors. If we desire for our children to fulfill the Great Commission, is it not vital for them to see us obeying the Lord’s command in like manner? Many doors will be opened to share with our children the necessity for a person to be born again, as we impress upon them with action that we will all stand before God on Judgment Day. There is an additional benefit to this, in that we will see the need for our own battle against our sin to be lively so that our conversations about the Gospel with our children will not seem hypocritical. We will understand that our ongoing repentance for remaining sin will help our children see that we desire to please the Lord and to have a clear conscience before Him – and a clear conscience before our children as well. 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
If you don’t know how to share the Gospel Biblically, or if you are overwhelmed at thinking about all the zillion excuses a person may present to you go to and get excellent help – you will be amazed at the Biblical, clear, helpful instruction that will teach you to share the Gospel Biblically with anyone, from the raging atheist to the sin-enslaved professing Christian to the apathetic listener.
My way of sharing the Biblical Gospel does not need to be your way – but we should both have some way of sharing the Biblical Gospel, right? I hope this list has given you some ideas…
Look away from self, and look to Christ – and He will help you.
I’m going to close with a quote from CH Spurgeon that is akin to a gut-punch, but sometimes we need a wake-up call from our comfort zone, yes?
“Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor.”
~CH Spurgeon
May God help us to be faithful to His Word – His calling to all Christians to fulfill the Great Commission.
“That the Lamb might receive the full reward for His suffering!”
“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you’re not saved yourself, be sure of that!”
~ C.H. Spurgeon
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Elly McMashehu is an unworthy servant (Luke 17:10) to the Lord Jesus Christ, joyful wife to techy-Tim, homeschooling mama to two precious blessings, happy homemaker, Gospel-tracting, abortion-abolitionist, simple Christian…living in the country of the beautiful northwest.