6 Impactful Daily Family Rituals

In the busyness and mundaneness of our lives we can forget to take a moment to let our family know how special they are to us. How easy it can be to forget to greet someone when they come home or say goodbye to them when they’re leaving. We wouldn’t do that to guests so why are we comfortable doing that within our own families?
Some sweet daily rituals that will bless your family are so simple and will become a habit in your life if they aren’t already:
1. Greet each family member when they come home and take time to prepare for your husband’s arrival home from work every day.
2. Take the time to kiss and hug each other goodbye, even if you’re just heading out to the grocery store.
3. Take time at the dinner table to have good family discussions. Make mealtime together a priority.
4. Spend time together as a couple catching up on each other’s day. Be a good listener to your husband.
5. Pray over your children before they go to bed.
6. Pray with your husband before bed.
Related Links:
7 Simple Steps to Making the Most of Family Dinners
A Birthday Prayer for My Husband
Praying God’s Word Over Our Children
A Birthday Prayer for My Son