A Birthday Prayer for My Son

I know I utter the words every parent does when their child celebrates another birthday, “where has the time gone???” It seems like yesterday that we were just buckling in car seats and still eating in high chairs but this little boy the Lord has gifted our family with is now a man.
I have loved and learned so much from Josh over these past 22 years and I wanted to share a few of them that I continually give thanks for:
1. His heart of service and how he loves to take care of his family.
2. Praying with Josh and hearing what is on his heart to share with the Lord
3. His sensitive spirit the Lord has given him and a heart that is repentant.
4. I love chatting with Josh and thankful he opens up with whatever is on his mind.
5. He makes us laugh – A LOT! – sometimes too much (is that possible??). He probably gets his sense of humor from me (that is a big family joke lol – truly it’s from dad).
6. His love of reading and sharing with us what he is learning.
7. His continual learning of filtering all things through a biblical worldview.
8. His gift and love of music – love the sound of piano playing in the house.
9. His love for his nieces is such a joy to watch. He loves them so much and loves being Uncle Josh xoxo.
10. The unconditional love he gives to his family – Josh is quick to forgive.
11. His heart to serve others.
12. He introduces me to so much in the way of what is going on in the world, to new Christian music, to books etc. I love our conversations that come about through all these interests he shares with us.
13. Josh is a kid magnet – he is going to be a great daddy. I so enjoy watching him play with little ones and how he can just get lost in enjoying them from making silly voices and his imagination is still pretty fun to watch come out.
14. The sweet relationship he has with his sister.
15. Thankful that his dad is the most influential person on this earth to him. I love and am so grateful for their relationship.
16. He loves his Mama – I am so well cared for by my Joshua
17. He is such a hard worker and takes care of so many responsibilities here at home.
18. His diligence to spend time in the Word and to study the Word.
19. He’s extremely handy in the kitchen. When I lost Amber here at home Josh picked up where she left off pretty well for me – it’s not quite the same – I do miss my Amber – no one set the table like she did 😉
20. He is a homebody – I love that he loves to be home (sometimes a bit too much lol)
21. He has taught me how to be a better communicator and a better listener. Josh has such a gift to listen well to others and make others feel valued – I continue to learn from him in this area of my own life.
22. I am most thankful that the Lord blessed us with this young man and that He chose Josh before the foundation of the world to be saved – thank you Lord for opening His heart and mind to salvation. There is no greater gift!
Daddy and I are so thankful for you and our prayer for you this birthday and every birthday is that you grow more in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. That His law would be your delight and you would meditate on His precepts. That you would always trust in the Lord being mindful that He is your help and your shield. May you always take refuge in the Lord and seek Him in all things.
May you always live a life worthy of the calling set before you and that you would always give thanks to the Lord for your salvation. When you lack wisdom that you will seek the One who gives generously without reproach. May you always humble yourself before the Lord and seek His ways. We pray you will be a witness to the Lord and have a heart for the lost. That you would persevere in times of persecution and be a witness to the Lord with boldness and much joy.
We pray you would grow in kindness and love for others. That you would put the needs of others before yourself. That you would keep from sin and never let the sun go down on your anger. We pray you would continue to mature in His knowledge so you will not be tossed here and fro by every doctrine but remain strong and steadfast in the truth. May you wage war against sin and keep a pure heart.
May you always see His wondrous works and praise and give the Lord thanks in and through all things.

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What a beautiful tribute to your sweet Joshua!
The video…lol. We will be scanning the sidewalk in Downtown Disney in October – November.
🙂 <3