Babies are Murdered Here

(Source: Babies are Murdered Here Facebook Page)
Please take some time to watch this documentary – Babies are Murdered Here. There are no graphic images in it but godly men calling abortion what it really is – Murder. The whole video is only an hour long and it is a reminder that little ones are being killed everyday in our cities. Please help to spread this movie by sharing it on Facebook and getting the word out on Twitter or emailing it to your friends and family.
Pray and see how your family can be involved – it may be by prayer, equipping yourself to talk to others about the sanctity of human life, passing out tracts or ministry outside an abortion clinic.
Visit my Pro-Life Resource page for more links.
“Babies are Murdered Here (#bamh) is a film from Crown Rights Media that dives into the lives of those that fight for the unborn.”
(If you’re viewing this in your email you will have to click through to the blog to see the video)
“If we were made to watch a doctor pull off the little baby’s legs and arms one by one and place them on the table like a dentist removing cotton from your mouth – if all Americans were made to see what it really is, the pro-life goal of abortion being unthinkable (not just illegal) would be much nearer.” ~ John Piper
“The single reason why people need to see, to share, to show Babies Are Murdered Here is because babies are murdered here. Don’t let the film break your heart—let that Babies Are Murdered Here break your heart. If we want to see the world change on the issue, we have to pray God would awaken His church. If we want to see His church awakened, we need to pray that even the most active in the pro-life movement would be ever more broken hearted, ever more repentant. The solution to this problem is the solution to every problem—to repent and believe the gospel.” ~ Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr.
“Tell them no. Tell them it’s not safe. Tell them they may get spit at. Tell them they may get hit. Tell them they may get arrested even though they didn’t break any laws. And tell them if they don’t go, that babies will die and souls will end up in Hell. That’s far more dangerous. We need to stop being middle-class American sissies, and we need to be willing to fight faithfully with the Gospel to save souls and unborn babies.”
~ Dr. R. C. Sproul Jr.
If you haven’t heard what 50 million abortions sounds like I encourage you to sit somberly for three minutes and listen to this video too.
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Thank you for posting this! We go witnessing regularly in our town in CO and my husband preaches outside the abortion clinic as often as he can. It is a sad thing that the churches in our country can even be across from an abortion clinic sometimes and STILL don’t o anything. This film shows us how simple it is to hold a sign and I LOVE that it encourages us to equip ourselves with the Gospel, which is what our country needs more than anything else! ~ christine