Giving Thanks in all Circumstances

“Grateful people are loving people who seek to bless others, while ungrateful people ar bent on gratifying themselves.”
“The only people who can sustain a consistent flow of thanksgiving between them and God are those who know who, what, and where they’d been if He hadn’t intervened and saved them from themselves.”
“Giving of thanks is an indicator of our true heart condition. Those who have been made righteous by the grace of God will be thankful people.”
“When prayer teams up with gratitude, when we open our eyes wide enough to see God’s mercies even in the midst of our pain, and when we exercise faith and give Him thanks even when we can”t see those mercies, He meets us with His indescribable peace. It’s a promise.”
“In every situation….prayer + thanksgiving = peace”
Day 15 from the 30 Day Choosing Gratitude Challenge:
Psalm 50:14–15, 23
Plenty of occasions exist in life where being thankful is the last thing you feel like doing, where nothing seems good or gratitude-worthy.Today, I’d like you to make a list of all the difficult things in your life. Spell them out, as detailed as you want. Then use this list as a prompt for giving thanks. That may seem strange—or impossible! We’re not expected to thank God “for” things that are sinful. But we can give thanks “in everything,” knowing that God is still God and He uses all things in this fallen world to accomplish His purposes.
Begin to track the ways that God is using these circumstances in your life. Perhaps they’re causing you to become more dependent on Him, or to call upon Him in prayer, or to exercise faith in His promises. When we call upon our Lord “in the day of trouble” (Psalm 50:15), with minds set on glorifying Him, He does marvelous things in the midst of our pain and sorrow.
Thank Him by faith that He can use each of these situations as a means to display His glory.
~Excerpt taken from 30 Day Choosing Gratitude Challenge
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
~Romans 8:28
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Choosing Gratitude