Resources to Help Your Family Celebrate a Christ-Focused Easter
Inside: This special holiday set aside gives us the opportunity to share with others about Who Jesus is and why we celebrate Easter.

Easter is a time when we celebrate the risen Christ. Many of us may refer to it as Resurrection Sunday. However, your family determines to celebrate and bring in your personal traditions the most important aspect is to remind our hearts of the truth of the Gospel.
It’s a time to rejoice in our risen Savior, and many of us take the days leading up to Easter to do that but in reality, it is something we need to be reminded of daily. We remember His death on the cross for our sins, and we thank Him for it. We’re reminded that in Christ we receive new life and victory over our sins and the Lord is coming back again for us one day.
The special holiday set aside gives us the opportunity to share with others about Who Jesus is and why we celebrate Easter.The special holiday set aside gives us the opportunity to share with others about Who Jesus is and why we celebrate Easter. It provides an easy opportunity to share the hope we have within us (1 Peter 3:15)
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, ~ 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
I’m sharing some resources to get you thinking how you would like to be intentional in celebrating the risen Christ this Easter season in your home. The resources in bold are my personal favorites. If you’re short on time, listen to my podcast from last year on Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter while you’re running errands or doing chores.
“Lord, forgive us for the times we have read about Gethsemane with dry eyes.”
~ Frederick S. Leahy, The Cross He Bore: Meditations on the Sufferings of the Redeemer
At the Blog:
Please note – there are many more links in both of the posts below from the blog here on celebrating a Christ-focused too.
Podcast EP 22: Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter
Planning a Christ-Focused Easter

Children’s Books:
Why Easter? by Barbara Reaoch

Mission Accomplished: A Two-Week Family Easter Devotional by Scott James

The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross by Carl Laferton

The Donkey Who Carried a King by R.C. Sproul

The Priest with Dirty Clothes by R.C. Sproul

The Prince’s Poison Cup by R.C. Sproul

Holy Week an Emotions Primer by Danielle Hitchen

A Very Happy Easter by Tim Thornborough

Adult/Family Reads:
Easter Uncut: What Happened and Why it Really Matters by Carl Laferton (Great little giveaway book to have on hand to share this season)

Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter by Nancy Guthrie

What is Resurrection? by Joel Beeke

Cruciform: Living the Cross-Shaped Life by Jimmy Davis

In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel-Centered Life by Sinclair Ferguson

The Cross He Bore by Frederick S. Leahy

The Truth of the Cross by R.C. Sproul

50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper (Free download here)

Top Ten Best Easter Songs @Michelle Lesley
CityAlight – Christian Worship Music (I listen in on Spotify)

Sovereign Grace Music – I recommend any of their CD’s

Hymns of Grace – A Wonderful Hymnal for you to use as a family

Songs that Celebrate the Resurrection in View of the Cross – @Worship Matters
Gospel Thinking: How Do We Decide Our Family Traditions @Risen Motherhood
Christ, My Power – @Adorned
20 Ways to Celebrate Easter – @Ever Thine Home
What to Give Up for Lent – @Michelle Lesley (Good read – don’t let the title turn you away)
Lenten Lights by Noel Piper
What Makes Easter so Special? @Ask Pastor John
Explaining Easter to Kids – @Family Life Today
One Perfect Life: Jesus of Nazareth (Special Easter Program) @John MacArthur
Is Easter a Pagan Holiday? @WWUTT
Easter Video: “It Is I Myself” @Alistair Begg
How to Give Your Child a Vocabulary of Faith – @The Gospel Coalition
Celebrating the Resurrection – @Revive Our Hearts
Other Resources:
Empty Tomb Rolls @Sweet Basil
Resurrection Cookies – @All Recipes
DIY Easter Candles – @Ever Thine Home
The Easter Story Egg – @Star Kids Company
Resurrection Eggs – we use these every year – now with the grandbabies

Beautiful Resources for Easter at by Ruth Chou Simons (Don’t miss this adorable free Menu Card PDF download)
What are some of your favorite resources? Please take a moment to share it with us in the comments.
Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in spring-time.
~ Martin Luther