Do You Truly Cherish Your Husband?

Wives I want to speak to you today and I’m really speaking these words to myself. Ask yourself do you truly cherish your husband? I know you love him and appreciate him and are thankful for his love and so many other things but I’m asking you to think about if you really cherish him.
I have a dear friend who lost her husband recently to cancer. These difficult life moments remind you that life is a vapor. Our life here on this earth is temporary and every day is a gift from the Lord. I pray that I will be mindful of that daily.
At this moment of my life God has given me the gift of my earthly husband and I don’t want to take a moment for granted. How often do you think you take your husband for granted? I know I do much more than I would care to admit. Sometimes the mundaneness of every day life settles in and we don’t take the time to give thanks for the special relationships the Lord has put in our lives.
I want to share with you how I pray the Lord will help me to be more intentional in loving, cherishing and respecting my husband. I want to do him good all the days of his life and not send him to the corner of a roof because of my nagging or me sounding like a dripping faucet. Serious! Who would want to live like that!
As a Christian who loves Jesus I want to love him as the Lord has loved me and taught me and modeled for me how to love. God’s Word tells us the world will know we are Christians by the love we show for one another and my husband should be my priority relationship on this earth to show love to.
Ways I Desire to Cherish My Husband:
– I want to be his helpmate and not his helpless mate. I want to help him pursue his goals and continue to be the helper to Him the Lord designed me to be. I want to put his needs above my own with a heart that delights in seeking to do him well all the days of his life.
– I want to know what his favorite things are in this life and take the time and effort to provide the ones I can for him. Even simple things like favorite foods, places to visit together, making sure his clothes are taken care of the way he likes them washed and ironed and put away, keeping the house they way he likes things tidy and orderly, keeping our home a haven to come home to, wearing outfits he enjoys seeing me in and caring for myself physically to show him I care about him.
– I want to make time for him to have good relationships with our children and grandchildren. I need to be intentional in planning family time together as this is my area and role in our home.
– I want to help him to free up his time for ministry. By taking care of other aspects of home keeping I can free up time for him to work on the messages for church as he is one of our teaching elders. When my husband is spending time and studying God’s Word we all benefit as a family because he continues to share and teach us from what the Lord is teaching him.
– I want to become a good student of him and continue to learn all about him. Likes and dislikes. Goals and dreams. What he loves. What he is passionate about. What areas of sin he struggles with and how I can pray for him. What are his favorites in books, movies, music etc.
– I want to be a wife who brings him much joy and happiness. Remember the drippy faucet I mentioned above? – I don’t want that to be me. I want him to enjoy and delight in being around me. Not a “fake” put on happy face but a real from the heart because I so love this man and desire to please him in all ways.
– I want to make myself physically available to him because I do love him and desire to be with him in all ways. It’s a G rated blog so I’ll stop there ;).
– I want to become a better listener when he is sharing anything with me.
– I want to educate myself on the things he loves so I can take an interest in them too. Theology, football, news events, or whatever area he has a particular interest.
– I want to be a woman who he is proud to have on his arm. A woman he can take with him anywhere and be thankful that she is with him.
– I want to free up my calendar to make time to be with him. We love to be intentional in our time alone together. Our calendar is busy as my husband runs two businesses, I work for him, we are parents, grandparents and he is a teaching elder in our local church. We do make time on the calendar to get some good alone time together. Even if it is just being together at home drinking coffee and chatting.
There are so many things I cherish about my husband so let me list some that come to my mind immediately and help get your mind thinking of all the ways you cherish your own husband. Write him a note letting him know all the things you are thankful for and cherish about him.
His smile
His hand in mine
The sound of his voice
The way my heart still melts when he walks in a room
The scent of his cologne
His laughter
The way he looks at me
His love for me
Touching him
Falling into his arms after a difficult day
Praying with him
The way he reassures me everything is going to be okay
His sense of humor
Dancing in the kitchen with him
Reading love notes from him
All the things I learn from him spiritually and about life in general
His wisdom that comes from the Lord
The way he can read me like a book
His playfulness
Watching the love he has for his children and grandchildren
His love and protection for his family
His love and devotion for his church family
His desire to see Christ honored in all things
He makes me want to be more like Christ
The way he works so hard to provide for his family
He always makes family time a priority even in the midst of his busy schedule
He thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world
The way he leads our family spiritually
His adventurous side
He is dependable – always
He seeks out my opinion
He puts his family first
Awesome message. I needed to hear the part about helping him fulfill his dreams. We tend to be so selfish. But the thing about Christian love and marriage is that it’s selfless. Thanks for this and God bless!
Thank you for this inspiring essay!
A lovely reminder. Thank you 🙂
thank you for this. I fear I have become a dripping faucet. My baby has been sleeping terribly and it’s made me tired and a complainer, and no man wants a complainer for a wife. I needed to hear this message. Thank you
Amy Joy – I need that same reminder myself all too often. Thank you for stopping by today 🙂