My Top 10 Devotionals for Christian Women

Having a good, solid devotional on hand to supplement your Bible reading is a nice addition to your daily time with the Lord. I like to start my time in the Word by praying and then reading a devotional before digging into my Bible. It just seems to set my heart in a place of worship and prepares me to receive the Word.
There are many more choices than what I’ve shared below, and you can see more options at my bookshop here, too, but these were my top picks from over the years. They’re not all just for women, and if you’re looking for a gift for your husband or son, one of these may fit the bill perfectly.
One of my personal favorites that isn’t a book but a monthly subscription that I highly recommend all the time to my readers when they ask me for a recommendation is Tabletalk Magazine from Ligonier Ministries. I subscribe to the paper edition and I still find myself reading it on my iPad because I can enlarge the print.
My Top Devotional Book Recomendations:
Seasons of the Heart: A Year of Devotions from One Generation of Women to Another compiled by Donna Kelderman – I picked up this book several years ago and not only is it my personal favorite but it’s one I love to give as a gift. We gave these to the ladies at our Christmas Tea this year and they loved it. It has writings from Susannah Spurgeon, Mary Winslow, Anne Dutton and so many more. You won’t regret picking this one up for yourself or for a friend.

Morning and Evening: A New Edition of the Classic Devotional Based on The Holy Bible, English Standard Version by Charles Spurgeon edited by Alistair Begg – A classic made better if it’s possible but this version from Alistair Begg is an excellent companion to your daily Bible reading.

Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot – If you’ve been here long enough you know there would be an Elisabeth Elliot one on this list. This is a beautiful devotional of some of the best reads from her newsletter.

Daily Treasure: 366 Daily Readings from Spurgeon’s Treasury of David by Charles Spurgeon edited by James Renihan – I picked this one up for my husband for a gift and almost kept it for myself after reading through several entries. It’s on my list to borrow it from him when he’s worked through it.

Voices from the Past Volume 1 OR Voices from the Past Volume 2 – by Richard Rushing – This series is a treasure trove of writings from the Puritans. It’ll become a favorite read while sipping an afternoon cup of coffee or tea ;).
For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word, Volume 1 & For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word, Volume 2 by D.A. Carson – These are meant to be read alongside your daily bible reading plan and they go along with Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s Bible reading plan for the year.
Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 1 or Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 2 or Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 3 by John MacArthur – Any one of these would be a great addition to your daily reading or they are great for family devotions too. I appreciate having them on my Kindle.
New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul Tripp – This is one we all should revisit on occasion.

In The Presence Of God Devotional Readings On The Attributes Of God by R. C. Sproul – Bask in the attributes of God with daily readings from R.C. Sproul.

Truth for Life: 365 Daily Devotions (A Gospel-Saturated Gift Devotional for the Entire Year – Includes a Yearly Bible Reading Plan, Durable Cover, and Ribbon Marker) by Alistair Begg – this one was new to me this year and I’m enjoying my time in it. Alistair Begg is one of my favorites to listen to and read.

One last honorable mention to share is the Topical Devotionals from Westminister Books. Sharing a small sampling below but there are more options at this link here.
I just finished Eve in Exile. Best book I’ve read in a while .
Terra – that was such a good read! Thank you for the recommendation xo