EP 3: Delighting in Being a Worker at Home
Inside: Are we known as women who love to care for their homes and families? One of the ways we adorn the gospel is by caring for our family and home.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
~1 Corinthians 10:31
In this podcast episode, I’m asking you the question – Do you delight in being a worker at home? My hope is to encourage you to be thankful for the role the Lord has called you in as keeper of your home. One of the ways we adorn the gospel is by the care of our family and home.
One of the ways we adorn the gospel is by the care of our family and home.Listen in to the Podcast:
Show Notes:
“As Christian women, this is the attitude that should characterize our lives. We are to be women who love our homes. We are not to merely be workers at home, but we are to take great pleasure in working in our homes. We are to thoroughly enjoy the sphere that God has assigned to us.”
~ Carolyn Mahaney
Working at home (from Titus 2:5) is the Greek word “Oikourgous” and is defined as one devoted to home duties, preoccupied with domestic affairs, or a homemaker.
Do your children see a mother who delights in the care and responsibility of managing a home or do they see a woman who begrudgingly carries out her tasks?
Is God’s Word being honored by our attitudes of doing all our work as unto the Lord or is God’s Word being reviled by grumbling, complaining spirits?
“The home is where a woman provides the expressions of love for her husband and her children. The home is where she leads and guides and teaches and raises the godly generation. The home is where she is protected and secured from other men and potentially wicked relationships and abuses. The home is where she lodges strangers, washes saints’ feet, shows hospitality and devotes herself to every good work. That’s her sphere. And whatever of that home and whatever of the goodness of her life she can take outside and not sacrifice the home is between her and the Lord and her husband.”
~ John MacArthur, God’s Plan for Younger Women, Part 2
If you are contemplating opportunities outside the home, I encourage you to ponder these wise questions from Carolyn Mahaney, taken from her book Feminine Appeal. They are to help you in determining that you are making wise decisions and that you do not lose sight of your primary obligation to your home.
-What are my reasons for considering this opportunity? Are they selfish or God-honoring?
– Will pursuing this venture glorify God and honor the gospel?
– Is this an undertaking that will help my husband?
– Will it enhance and enrich the lives of my family?
– Does this endeavor hinder my role as caretaker of my home?
Scripture References & Other Resources Mentioned:
Titus 2:3-5
Romans 10:17
1 Corinthians 10:31
Thankful Homemaker Facebook Group
At Home with Madame Chic: Becoming a Connoisseur of Daily Life by Jennifer L. Scott
Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God by Pat Ennis
Designing a Lifestyle the Pleases God by Pat Ennis
Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney
Wonderful and helpful podcast as usual, Marci! I am spurred on to view my tasks for the day (some of them unsavory!) as gifts from God and opportunities to glorify him. Thank you so much for the reminder! <3
You are so welcome Lisa – a reminder I need ;).