The More I See of Jesus

Mary Forbes Winslow (1774–1854) was the wife of a British Army officer and the mother of 13 children, including the Victorian Baptist and Anglican minister Octavius Winslow, a contemporary of Charles Spurgeon and J.C. Ryle.
Mary Winslow’s journal entries sparkle with a love for Christ and evidence of a deep work of God in her own soul.
She suffered many afflictions in her life from burying an infant child to shortly after finding out her husband died. Mary was left as a widow with nine sons to raise. Her response to the trials and afflictions in her life was, “I think I have learned more of my dreadfully wicked heart, and the preciousness of Jesus during this trial than I ever learnt before.”
The life of Mary Winslow is a beautiful example to us of fully depending on the Savior to meet all our needs.
Below are some thoughts from Life in Jesus: A Memoir of Mary Winslow by her son Octavius Winslow

The More I See of Jesus:
“My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You! Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:5-6
The more I see of Jesus, the more He opens to me His loving heart—the deeper is my sorrow for sin. I lie down in the dust at His feet closer than ever I did before. I can truly say I abhor myself in dust and ashes before Him. My heart seems ready to melt into contrition in view of the ten thousand thousand sins, willful and aggravating—that I have committed against Him who loved me with an everlasting love, and with loving-kindness drew me to Himself.
So eternal and deep, so sovereign and boundless is the love of Jesus, that angels cannot fathom it! He is nothing but sincere, constant, and unabating love—to the weakest, the most unworthy of all His little flock.
I feel such a weariness of this world that nothing here gives me anything more than a momentary, passing pleasure—and it is gone at a glance.
Oh, to have such a Friend as Jesus, who feels all our sorrows, carries all our burdens, and has promised to bring us safely through this trying world, and place us at last at His own right hand, where neither sickness nor sorrow shall ever come!
Oh for Heaven! Nothing else will satisfy my longing soul, but the sight of Him it loves.
Jesus is all in all to me, and He will be all in all through eternity!
Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name!
If you enjoyed this reading from Mary Winslow you may also enjoy one of my favorite devotionals: Seasons of the Heart: A Year of Devotions from One Generation of Women to Another – compiled by Donna Kelderman. Mary Winslow’s writings are featured in it along with many other women from the past including Susannah Spurgeon, Anne Steele, Frances Ridley Havergal, Anne Dutton, and several more.

Read More from Mary Winslow at Grace Gems
Oh, to have such a Friend as Jesus, who feels all our sorrows, carries all our burdens, and has promised to bring us safely through this trying world, and place us at last at His own right hand, where neither sickness nor sorrow shall ever come!
I purchased this book about Mary Winslow because I love your recommendations and I have highly enjoyed Octavius Winslow’s “Precious Things of God”. I had to come back and thank you. This is such a precious book and has been such a comfort and conviction for me to read. I pray that I make speak such glorious words praising our gracious Savior like Mary did. Thank you for the lovely recommendation.
Love in Christ,
Lauren – You’re so welcome for the recommendation, I’m so grateful to be able to pass along what has blessed me in my walk with the Lord. I love that prayer of yours: that your words would be like those of Mary praising and giving glory to her Jesus. I’m praying that with you my friend xoxo.