EP 85: Weekly Home Blessing

Monday morning – I can truly say I love Monday mornings. Flylady’s Weekly Home Blessing has helped me to enjoy and look forward to Mondays. After my morning routine is taken care of, I move right into the Weekly Home Blessing Hour. When my children were young and we were home together, this was something we would do together and integrate into the school day after morning chores were finished.
Listen to Podcast Episode 95 below (24 minutes) or you can read the post below (5 minutes):
Related Links:
Weekly Cleaning Schedule Free PDF Download
Flylady’s Weekly Home Blessing
Menu Planning Made Easy Course
Homemaker’s Friend Daily Planner
The Weekly Home Blessing hour is the time FlyLady spends slipshod cleaning her home. No detailed cleaning required; vacuum the middle of the floors only!
Weekly Home Blessing Routine:
FlyLady sets her timer for 10 minutes to work on each of 7 tasks:
- Vacuum
- Dust
- Mop
- Polish Mirrors and Doors
- Purge magazines
- Change Sheets
- Empty all trash
- This takes approximately one hour; some tasks take less than 10 minutes.
- “Don’t obsess; set your timer for 10 minutes for each task, then QUIT!” ~ Kelly
I’ve altered my Weekly Home Blessing to fit my home and family, but the purpose of it is to have your home ready for the week and not to be concerned if someone unexpectedly shows up at your door. We are not talking perfection but some semblance of order.
Related: Podcast EP 21- The Routines of the Day: Making the Most of Your Mornings & Evenings
My Weekly Home Blessing Hour Routine:
I set my timer for one hour to see how quickly I can get through the tasks listed below:
- Toss old catalogs and magazines
- Change bed sheets (I only do this every other week since we shower daily. Being a little older 🙂 – I do not change more than two beds a day).
- Empty all trash cans in the house (great kid chore)
- Feather dust all rooms (Kids do their rooms – My favorite lambswool duster)
- Vacuum all rooms (Kids do their rooms)
- Mop kitchen, foyer, and half bath floors (I have used a sh-mop for years and love it – visit Favorite Cleaning Products).
- Clean front door glass and tidy entry area
This simple one-hour routine blesses my home and family for the week. Your children are great feather dusters, vacuumers, garbage emptiers, and moppers. Teach them to enjoy their work and serve others by putting on some praise music and delighting in the home the Lord has given us to be good stewards over.
Enjoy your Monday!!
Hello Marci,
I have a question about the Jenny/Jennie Ortland quote you shared (so beautiful, and encouraging!!)—is it from a book of hers on the home, or is she a fellow blogger? If she did, indeed, write a book, would you be able to share its title with us here?
Thanks for your wonderful podcast, and God bless,
Tammy – Jani Ortlund is a Pastor’s wife and she has a few books out and I honestly haven’t read any of her books. I’ve listened to her be interview on Revive Our Hearts and just have been blessed by her ministry in that way. This was a favorite series I linked to on the blog of hers – https://thankfulhomemaker.com/mrs-law-or-mrs-grace/
Here is the quote so you have the whole thing:
“I believe that a godly home is a foretaste of heaven. Our homes, imperfect as they are, must be a haven from the chaos outside. They should be a reflection of our eternal home, where troubled souls find peace, weary hearts find rest, hungry bodies find refreshment, lonely pilgrims find communion, and wounded spirits find compassion.”
It may have been from her book Fearlessly Feminine – l love that one!
Oh – thank you Sarah-Anne xo
I sometimes use a podcast or video (like yours) as my timer. I just finished folding all my clothes while listening to your podcast. 🙂
Leslie – I love that – I’m a huge podcast listener while doing chores too :).
I love seeing other people’s cleaning routines! When my children were younger and we were homeschooling I also incorporated a chore training time into our school routine.
In the beginning I just taught them a new chore. They watched me do it a couple of times, and then they tried it with me watching. Eventually they did it on their own with me coming back to check on their work.
I find that breaking my cleaning routine into smaller chores makes it much easier to keep on top of things! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your routine!! And I love that you use a timer – that is something I use more and more to keep me on track. Coming over this morning from the Better Mom link-up.
I love Flylady..been a flybaby for over 10 years now 🙂 Keep up the great work!
Flylady helped me to get back into the routine of cleaning the house myself (after years and years of sharing the job with my children.)I love the idea of the Home Blessing Hour (it takes me longer, lol, I can’t quite get the idea into my head) because it sounds so much like a job to be loved!!
Some weeks, I have to use my Home Blessing Hour to jump start my homemaking for the week! Without it, I just might leave everything sit! Thanks for the great post. Would you consider adding this post to my blog’s new link-up? http://littlefarminthebigcity.blogspot.com/2012/04/homestead-helps-wednesday-homestead-hop_11.html
Love FlyLady!! Her techniques helped me take back my house, and to stop get overwhelmed with trying to keep it clean. The calendar is the best!! It changed my life,now I can keep track of all our comings and goings.
Just popped in from Jasmines place! I enjoy seeing what other people do to manage their homes. I have learned that when I clean before it get’s messy it stays much cleaner…{still trying to instill that into my Munchkins though.} ;0)Much Love & Blessings,ESTHEROur Simple Country Life
I found you through your daughters blog. 🙂 I love this idea! I do something similar but I tend to only do it on the days that the house is a complete mess. 🙁 I have recently been more convicted to keep a schedule to keep up with house work.