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EP 161: Cultivating Biblical Hospitality in Your Home and Life

Inside: In this episode, we delve into biblical hospitality, emphasizing its value in building relationships, making others feel welcome, and always pointing them to Christ. We discuss it as a lifestyle of service, share practical tips, and explore ways to involve our children, all while keeping gatherings stress-free and enjoyable.

A welcome doormat showing hospitality to those entering our home.

Today, we’re diving into the topic of biblical hospitality. We’ll explore both the theology and practical aspects of hospitality, reminding ourselves that it is a command and not an option for believers. Our goal is to honor God by obeying His command to “contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality” (Romans 12:13). We aim to love one another within the body of Christ and extend God’s love to both strangers and friends (Hebrews 13:2).

Alexander Strauch, who wrote a favorite book of mine titled – The Hospitality Commands: Building Loving Christian Community, shared a quote I want to open our time with: 

“Hospitality is a concrete expression of Christian love and family life. It is an important biblical virtue. … Giving oneself to the care of God’s people means sharing one’s life and home with others. An open home is a sign of an open heart and a loving, sacrificial, serving spirit. A lack of hospitality is a sure sign of selfish, lifeless, loveless Christianity.”

“Hardly anything is more characteristic of Christian love than hospitality. Through the ministry of hospitality we share the things we value most: family, home, financial resources, food, privacy, and time. In other words, we share our lives.”

Alexander Strauch

Listen in to EP 161: Cultivating Biblical Hospitality in Your Home and Life

Helpful Resources (more to come so check back):

My Favorite Books on Hospitality @Thankful Homemaker

Amazon Booklist of Favorite Books on Christian Hospitality

10 Things You Should Know About Hospitality @Crossway

Host as Your Are: Practicing Hospitality as a Family @Desiring God

The Cost and Purpose of Hospitality

When we open our homes to others, it will cost us—time, service, and sacrifice. Our lives are busy, and in the midst of a tiring day, the thought of having company can seem overwhelming. We sometimes just don’t feel like being around other people and want to have a quiet evening at home alone.

We can tend to focus on the difficulties of being hospitable. It takes time and work to tidy the house and cook a meal. We worry too much about what others will think, or we just enjoy our privacy too much. Being naturally selfish people, we tend to focus on ourselves, and if we are truly honest, we like our time and space.

“True biblical hospitality is God-centered and others-centered; it reflects the love of Christ by opening our hearts and homes to serve and bless others, all for the glory of God.”

There are many verses in God’s Word that command us to practice hospitality, but true biblical hospitality can only be practiced through the power of God’s Word and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Hospitality in the Scriptures

Hospitality is not merely a nice gesture but a command from God. The Bible is filled with instructions to practice hospitality, emphasizing its significance in the Christian life. Let’s walk through a few passages together:

  • Romans 12:13: “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” The NASB states it: contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.

We are to love and care for our brothers and sisters in Christ – the needs of the church are met through our care for one another. Our faith should be a lifestyle of sharing, where we carry each other’s burdens and rejoice in each other’s blessings. That’s what it means to be a family in Christ.

The word for hospitality in Romans 12:13 means stranger-loving, and practice means actively seeking out those in need. It means we don’t wait for someone to knock on our door; we go out and pursue the stranger in need.

Hebrews 13:2 tells us not to neglect to show hospitality to strangers for some have entertained angels without knowing it. As we open our homes, we aren’t to do it with the hopes we are entertaining an angel but to remind us to offer cheerful hospitality, remembering as one commentator stated, “We only observe the outside surface of those we receive. More lies beneath than we can see.”

Opening our homes to believers is a way to share our lives together, encourage one another, and build one another up in the faith. Our time together should be spent praying for one another and sharing what the Lord is doing in our lives. My favorite is sharing testimonies of how the Lord opened our eyes to the wonderful saving gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Our closest relationships with others have come about because we spend time in each other’s homes. It’s a relaxed atmosphere where we can share our cares, prayer requests, and gratefulness for all the Lord has done and is doing in our lives.

When we open our homes to our neighbors and friends who do not know the Lord, our homes should be a testimony of the love of Christ. Many have come to know the Lord through open homes and open hearts, sharing the gospel and the love of Christ with others. William Barclay stated, “A home can never be happy when it is selfish. Christianity is the religion of the open hand, the open heart, and the open door.”

James 2:14-17 reminds us our care and concern for others will show itself in practical deeds.

14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Hospitality is a qualification for elders (1 Timothy 3:2) and for widows to be cared for financially and honored (1 Timothy 5:9-10). We see the importance the Lord places on showing hospitality to both believers and non-believers, demonstrating love and kindness, and reflecting God’s character.

1 Peter 4:7-10 tells us:

7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. 8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

In these verses, Peter instructs believers on how to live in the last days. He tells them to keep these principles in their lives:

  1. Be self-controlled and sober-minded (verse 7)
  2. Show sincere love (verse 8)
  3. Show hospitality (verse 9)
  4. Serve one another (verse 10)

One way our sincere love for one another will be evident is by serving one another and showing hospitality with thankful and joyful hearts. If we’re grumbling and complaining, we need a heart and motives check.

Erwin Lutzer stated, “Hospitality is a test for godliness because those who are selfish do not like strangers (especially needy ones) to intrude upon their private lives. They prefer their own friends who share their lifestyle. Only the humble have the necessary resources to give of themselves to those who could never give of themselves in return.”

Our homes are to be open doors to others in need, places of Christian welcome and love.

Hospitality is for Everyone

Let’s remove any reasons why we might think we are exempt from this command. While some have the gift of hospitality, all believers are called to be hospitable. It’s a way to love, serve others, and reflect Christ’s love.

Romans 12:13 and 1 Peter 4:9 both emphasize that hospitality is for all Christians, not just a select few. It is a duty for all believers, regardless of life circumstances or season of life.

Hebrews 13:2 reminds us not to neglect showing hospitality to strangers. While some of us may be naturally gifted, no matter our season of life or circumstances, if you are in Christ, you are called to be hospitable. This will look different depending on our circumstances, and there isn’t just one way to do this. We will get practical in this episode, but biblical hospitality is a way we demonstrate love, serve others, and reflect the love of Christ that has been shown to us.

Hospitality is About Relationships, Not Perfection

True hospitality is not about having a perfectly clean home or serving gourmet meals. It’s about building relationships and making others feel welcome and loved. Our hope is to always point others to Christ. Keeping hospitality simple emphasizes the people over the details, allowing genuine relationships to develop.

True hospitality is not about having a perfectly clean home or serving gourmet meals. It’s about building relationships and making others feel welcome and loved. Click to Tweet

Too often, we have a wrong picture of hospitality and need to be reminded to keep it simple. Hospitality is more about making people feel welcome and loved than about perfection. It is accessible to everyone, and there are so many ways it can be practiced beyond just preparing a meal.

When we keep it simple, we keep the emphasis on where it truly belongs—on the people. This will allow genuine relationships to develop, and it will also encourage others to practice it in their own lives by our simple example.

Hospitality is a Witness to the World

Hospitality is a powerful testament to non-believers. It demonstrates Christ’s love in action and opens doors for sharing the gospel. It breaks down barriers and preconceptions about Christianity, fostering deeper conversations in a comfortable setting.

Hospitality is a powerful testament to non-believers. It demonstrates the love of Christ in action and opens doors for sharing the gospel.

We exhibit Christ’s love in a tangible way. It can have a significant impact, breaking down barriers and preconceptions that people might have about Christianity.

Often, the comfortable setting of our homes encourages deeper conversations to arise naturally. Whether it’s over a shared meal or a casual cup of coffee, this relaxed, homey environment often makes it easy to tell others about the work of the Lord in our lives and leads to sharing the gospel with them.

We need to strive to extend hospitality beyond our immediate circle of friends and family. I know this is an area I need to work on. It’s all too easy to gather only those people we are most familiar with, and there is nothing wrong with this, but we don’t want it to be the exclusivity of not reaching out to others. We need to pray about reaching out to people in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and various other places we frequent and then do it.

When we do this, we can demonstrate Christ’s love in practical ways, and it opens doors to sharing the gospel with others. As we practice hospitality, we become living testimonies of the transformative power of God’s love at work in our lives.

Hospitality Requires Sacrifice

Being hospitable often requires sacrifice, whether it’s time, resources, or comfort. But the rewards far outweigh the costs. It will take time, planning, and effort. Our reminder is that no matter how much we sacrifice, it will never come close to what Jesus sacrificed to be hospitable to us.

All we have received is a gift from God, and it is not ours. This reminds us to be faithful stewards of God’s gifts. Everything we have—our time, home, and food—is on loan from Jesus to be used for His purposes in furthering His Kingdom and for the good of others.

Involving Our Children

A family practicing hospitality by sharing a meal with neighbors.

Biblical hospitality starts within the four walls of our own homes with our families. It begins by creating an environment of love, care, and generosity right where we live. I just want to share some ideas on what this might look like within our own families:

  1. Practice Kindness and Patience: Show kindness and patience to each other daily. Simple acts of love and understanding create a welcoming atmosphere.
  2. Share Meals Together: Make it a priority to have meals together as a family. Use this time to connect, share, and encourage one another. It sets a foundation for extending hospitality to others.
  3. Involve Everyone: Include your children in acts of hospitality. Let them help set the table, cook a meal, or clean up. Teaching them to serve others starts at home.
  4. Pray Together: Regularly pray together as a family. Pray for each other and for those you might invite into your home. It helps foster a spirit of unity and purpose.
  5. Serve Each Other: Look for ways to serve one another in everyday tasks. Acts of service, no matter how small, build a habit of hospitality.
  6. Celebrate Together: Celebrate each other’s achievements and milestones. Creating a culture of celebration within your home can naturally extend to celebrating others outside your family.
  7. Welcome Guests Together: When you do have guests, involve your family in welcoming them. Let your children see and participate in the joy of opening your home to others.

As parents, one of the most effective ways we can instill the importance of biblical hospitality in our children is by leading by example. Our children are watching us, and they often mirror the behaviors they see in their parents. When they see us opening our homes and hearts in hospitality, they learn the importance of this practice firsthand.

For example, let them see you invite a new neighbor over for a meal or offer your home as a meeting place for a church gathering. Let them watch as you prepare for these occasions, not in stress or frustration—again; Peter reminded us to offer hospitality without grumbling—but with joy and anticipation. Include them in the preparations as much as possible, allowing them to take part in the act of hospitality.

As you lead by example, it’s also important to communicate with your children about why you’re doing what you’re doing. Explain the biblical basis for hospitality and how it’s an expression of God’s love. Discuss the impact it can have both on the guest and the host.

In addition, demonstrate to your children that biblical hospitality extends beyond our homes. Show them how to be hospitable in every situation—at school, in the playground, or at a friend’s house. Teach them that every act of kindness, no matter how small, is a form of hospitality.

Above all, it’s important to remind your children (and yourself) that the goal of biblical hospitality is not to impress others but to express love and care. It’s not about having the perfect home or the most delicious food but about making others feel welcomed and loved.

By leading by example, we can teach our children that biblical hospitality is not just about what we do but about who we are as followers of Christ. It’s a lifestyle of love, generosity, and kindness towards others, reflecting the hospitality we have received from God.

  • Involve your children in the preparation process: Allow your children to help prepare the meal or set the table. This will give them a sense of responsibility and allow them to contribute to welcoming the guests.
  • Teach them the importance of hospitality through the Bible: Use passages from the Bible to teach your children about the importance of hospitality in Christianity. This helps them understand why it’s important and how it reflects God’s love.
  • Model hospitality: Show your children what biblical hospitality looks like. Let them see you welcoming guests with kindness and generosity. This provides a powerful example for them to follow.
  • Encourage them to interact with guests: Encourage your children to engage with guests during their visit. They can welcome others and hang up coats. This could be as simple as saying hello or engaging in a conversation. This helps them develop their social skills and comfort in welcoming others.
  • Discuss the experience afterward: After guests have left, talk with your children about the experience. Discuss how they felt and what they learned. This allows them to reflect on the importance of hospitality and its impact.

Practical Tips for Biblical Hospitality

A welcoming home setting with a table prepared for guests.

These takeaways remind us that hospitality is not just a nice gesture but a vital expression of our faith that can have a profound impact on others and on the world around us. I always say when I share a list—it is not exhaustive, but it is just to get us thinking. Please share your favorite tips with us in the comments.

  • Start Small: Small acts of kindness can often speak volumes. Invite a friend over for coffee, or offer to share a meal with a neighbor. Remember, it’s the gesture of opening your home and heart that counts.
  • Plan Ahead: To alleviate the stress of last-minute preparations, plan your hospitality events in advance. You don’t need to serve elaborate or fancy meals—simple, comfort food often works best and allows you to focus on your guests.
  • Keep a food list of favorites: Start building a list of favorite meals and snacks to serve others so you already know what foods you’re comfortable making and they don’t take too much time. I’m not an elaborate cook by any means, and I like to keep things simple. I also love when I can get most of my prep done ahead of time so I can enjoy time fellowshipping with our guests and not have to spend my whole time in the kitchen.
  • Involve Others: Making hospitality a shared effort not only lightens the load but also teaches valuable lessons about service and love. Include your family members in preparations to make it a team effort. Let friends bring items for the meal or whatever the event might be—people love to help and contribute—let them practice hospitality too. And let them help in food prep and clean-up if it’s in your home. If someone asks to help load the dishwasher—let them.
  • Be Flexible: Things may not always go as planned, and that’s okay. The heart of hospitality lies in the love and care shown to your guests, not in the details. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the time together.
  • Pray: Above all else, pray for your guests and the time you will spend together. Ask God to use your act of hospitality as a means to show His love and grace. Prayer sets the tone for a spirit of service and love.
  • Practice a Positive Attitude: A warm, welcoming demeanor can help create a comfortable, inviting atmosphere. Practice hospitality with joy, without complaint or resentment, and your guests will feel truly welcomed.
  • Keep it Simple: Biblical hospitality is not about having a perfect home or serving gourmet meals. It’s about making people feel loved and welcomed. Simple meals and a genuine heart go a long way in making your guests feel at home.
  • Use Practical Meal Ideas: Consider easy meals like spaghetti and garlic bread, tacos or burritos, soup and bread, BBQ chicken and salad, breakfast for dinner, a pizza night, or even a potluck. These meals are easy to prepare and allow you to spend more time with your guests.
  • Remember the Aim: Biblical hospitality aims not to impress but to express love and generosity. It’s more about the fellowship and connection that happens around the table than the food itself. Focus on the relationships you are building.
  • A perfect home is not commanded, just an open home. I love the terms visitors or friends instead of company. When I see the word company, I think of entertaining. When your heart is focused on the eternal rather than the temporal, it will make your time with others one of freely and joyfully being able to open up your home.
  • Keep some good questions on hand or in your mind to discuss or keep the conversation going—asking questions is a great way to get to know one another. I have a post called Cultivating True Christian Fellowship and some printable questions at my Thankful Homemaker shop that are great for fostering deeper discussions.
Menu Planning Made Easy

A few more thoughts on living this out:

  • Invite a New Neighbor Over: Welcome a new neighbor to the neighborhood with a meal. It’s a wonderful way to start a new friendship and make them feel at home.
  • Offer a Room: If you have the space, offer a room in your home for a visiting missionary or a church member in need. This act of kindness can provide much-needed support and encouragement.
  • Be prepared on Sundays after church to spontaneously invite a family over for lunch. Consider inviting both old and new church family members, and maybe mix it up by inviting several families together to help everyone get to know each other better. Our pastor and his wife are excellent at doing this, and it has inspired my hubby and me to think about which families, couples, or singles we’d like to gather with, along with other church family members. This simple act can foster deeper connections and build a stronger sense of community within our church.
  • Bring a Meal: Bring a meal to a family who has recently had a baby or is going through a difficult time. This gesture can provide comfort and show them they are loved and supported. If your church doesn’t have a meal train already set up, maybe this is something you can start. There are some great online options for free to organize it all for you. Take Them a Meal  has been a favorite—you can put the family’s food preferences—if there are any allergies—and they can determine how often and on which days they’d like a meal, and church families can just take certain days to bring them a meal. These are so helpful for families to have meals taken care of after having a new baby or surgery.
  • Host a Bible Study: Hosting a Bible study or small group meeting in your home can be a great way to disciple and encourage others in their faith journey.

During the holidays, consider inviting a college student who can’t go home to join your family’s celebration. This simple act of hospitality can make a big difference in their life. Also, remember the singles and widows in your church to make sure they have somewhere to go for the holidays. Reaching out in this way not only blesses them but also enriches your family’s holiday experience with the joy of sharing and community.

Additional Simple Steps for Hospitality

Friends meeting in a coffee shop for fellowship and hospitality

Hospitality doesn’t always require opening your home. Here are some simple, everyday ways to show hospitality:

  • Check-In with a Phone Call: Sometimes, a simple phone call to check in on someone can mean the world. It shows you care and are thinking about them.
  • Meet at a Coffee Shop: Invite someone to meet at a coffee shop for a chat. It’s a low-pressure way to connect and show hospitality without having to host at home.
  • Send an Encouraging Note: Writing a handwritten note of encouragement or a card to someone who is going through a tough time can be a beautiful act of hospitality.
  • Run Errands Together: Offer to run errands with a friend or neighbor. This not only helps them out but also provides an opportunity to spend time together.
  • Share a Recipe: Make an extra batch of a favorite recipe and share it with a neighbor or a friend. It’s a simple way to show you care.
  • Invite Someone for a Walk: Go for a walk with someone. This is a great way to have meaningful conversations and enjoy each other’s company in a relaxed setting.
  • Volunteer Together: Invite someone to join you in a volunteer activity either in your community or in your church.
  • Offer a Listening Ear: Sometimes, just being there to listen can be a profound act of hospitality. Make time to listen to someone who needs to talk.
  • Provide Practical Help: Offer practical help, like babysitting for a friend who needs a break or helping a neighbor with yard work or a home project.

By incorporating these simple steps, we can make hospitality a natural and joyful part of our lives, reflecting God’s love and building deeper, meaningful connections with those around us.

Meal Ideas:

I’m going to ramble on about some simple meal ideas I’ve used in the past. I do keep a list of favorite meals for a company that I love to serve and that I know I can make fairly easily, but I also appreciate opening my home last minute and ordering pizza or picking up sandwiches for a meal together.

There is something special about breaking bread together—it truly creates a warm atmosphere that fosters connection and fellowship.

Simple Meal Ideas for Practicing Biblical Hospitality

Here are some easy and practical meal ideas to help you extend hospitality without stress:

  1. Spaghetti and Garlic Bread (and now there are even so many yummy gluten-free pasta on the market).
  2. Tacos
  3. Soup, Salad, and Bread
  4. BBQ Chicken and some simple sides
  5. Breakfast for Dinner (pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit)
  6. Pizza Night (with pre-made crusts and various toppings)—you can buy pizza—it is allowed!
  7. Potluck (invite guests to bring a dish to share)
  8. Casseroles (like baked ziti or lasagna)—pick some of your no-fail crowd favorites to make.
  9. Chili and Cornbread
  10. Simple Crock-Pot Favorites
  11. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato Soup
  12. Roast Chicken with roasted vegetables—this is one of my favorites to serve.
  13. Sloppy Joes and Chips
  14. Homemade Macaroni and Cheese with a Side Salad

Simple Dessert Ideas

  1. Brownies or brownie sundaes. Or any kind of bar cookies
  2. Cookies
  3. Fruit Salad
  4. Ice Cream Sundae Bar
  5. Cupcakes
  6. Apple Pie and ice cream—even better, a yummy Costco apple pie and ice cream.
  7. Rice Krispie Treats
  8. Store-bought angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream.
  9. A tray of yummy store-bought cookies—Pepperidge Farm or some yummy shortbread cookies with some good chocolate is so good.
  10. Have a s’mores night and set up a fun s’mores bar with various options.

You can definitely get as elaborate as you want, and some of you love and are so gifted at baking and cooking, but I’m just tossing ideas to keep it simple. It’s a way we can make it manageable and enjoyable—focusing on the fellowship and connection that happens around the table together.

Reflecting God’s Character Through Hospitality

Hospitality is such a beautiful way to reflect God’s character. It shows His welcoming nature and how He draws people into His family. When we open our homes and hearts, we mirror God’s love, generosity, care, and provision. It’s a way to live out the gospel and invite others to experience God firsthand.

God’s hospitality is deeply rooted in His character. Throughout the Bible, we see God as a welcoming and generous host, always ready to extend His love and grace to everyone. Think about the parables in Luke 15—the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. They all show how much joy God has when one sinner repents and comes home.

God’s hospitality isn’t just about welcoming us into His family. It’s also about His constant care and provision for us. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:26 that God feeds the birds of the air, highlighting His attentive care for all creation. And in John 6:35, Jesus says He is the bread of life, showing that God meets not just our physical needs but also nourishes our souls. Jesus truly is the perfect host.

When we practice hospitality, we’re not just following a biblical command—we’re reflecting God’s character to the world. We’re giving others a glimpse of His love, generosity, care, and provision. Our homes and hearts become places where others can experience God’s hospitality. This serves as a powerful testimony of our faith and invites others to know and experience God for themselves.

By welcoming others into our homes and lives, we embody the gospel message. Just as God has welcomed us into His family through Christ, we extend a welcoming hand to others. As Paul writes in Ephesians 2:19, “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.”

Practicing hospitality is another way the Lord works in our hearts, helping us become more like Jesus. As He transforms our hearts and lives, and as we strive to reflect His character, we honor Him and build deeper, more meaningful connections with those around us, always with the hope of pointing them to Christ.


Let me close us with some quick and easy ways to start implementing some of what we talked about today. It was a longer episode, and thank you for being here with me. You can get the whole transcript from Apple Podcasts or on Podbean, but I do have quite a bit in the show notes too, so utilize them if you’re looking for links or lists. I may even make separate posts with meal ideas and the ones on including our kiddos.

So I’m just going to summarize some final thoughts:

  1. Embrace Hospitality as a Command: Remember that hospitality is not optional for believers but a command from God. Begin to see it as a vital part of your Christian walk, a way to honor God by loving others.
  2. Start Small: You don’t need to host grand events. Begin with small, manageable acts of hospitality like inviting a friend over for coffee or sharing a meal with a neighbor.
  3. Plan Ahead and Keep it Simple: Reduce the stress of hospitality by planning ahead. Simple meals and a warm, welcoming attitude are often more impactful than elaborate preparations.
  4. Involve Your Family: Include your children in the practice of hospitality. Let them help with preparations and teach them the biblical basis for welcoming others.
  5. Pray for Your Guests: Cover your hospitality in prayer, asking God to use your home and your efforts to show His love and grace to those you welcome.
  6. Be Flexible and Joyful: Embrace the unpredictability of hospitality. Pray for a joyful and thankful heart as the Lord gives you the opportunity to serve others.
  7. Reflect God’s Character: Remember that practicing hospitality mirrors God’s welcoming nature. Use your home and your life as a reflection of His love and generosity.
  8. Build Community: Hospitality fosters deeper relationships and a sense of belonging. Welcome others into your life and create a community that reflects the love of Christ.

As we wrap up, I hope you’ll see hospitality as a natural and joyful part of your life as a believer. Remember, practicing hospitality is about reflecting God’s love and generosity, not about achieving perfection. It’s about opening our hearts and homes to others, offering comfort and fellowship, and pointing them to the ultimate hospitality of God.

We need to keep the end in mind. The Lord is preparing a place for us in heaven where we will feast with the King, seated at His table, and enjoy His presence forever. This beautiful truth should inspire us to practice hospitality here on Earth.

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”

John 14:1-3

Hospitality is more than just a social nicety; it’s a profound reflection of God’s love and generosity toward us. As we practice hospitality, let’s extend grace just as we have received it. It’s not about having everything perfect but about showing love, sharing the gospel with others, and building connections. Each act of kindness and each open door is a small way we can extend God’s kingdom here on earth.

So, let’s embrace the call to be hospitable, trusting that as we do, we are mirroring the ultimate hospitality of God, Who is preparing a place for us in His eternal home.

One Comment

  1. Christine says:

    I could listen to this over and over! I get inspired and look forward to having an open door.

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