EP 27: Planning Our Days as Homemakers
I have always been a planner oriented person. I love notebooks and pens and making lists. I love seeing items I have to-do written down. It helps me to keep order and meet the needs of my family and others while still getting time to do some of the things I love to do too (like write on this blog here).
Planning has been a help to me in caring well for my home and family.Listen and Download the Podcast:
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Related Resources:
Homemaker’s Friend Daily Planner
Planning My Day as a Homemaker
I’d like to walk through with you today how I use my planner to plan my days. It isn’t meant to be copied but to spark ideas on ways you can plan your days working with the way God has wired you.
The days and weeks I take the time to plan well are the ones that are my most productive and efficient. I hope you’ll be encouraged today to grab a few nuggets that may work for you and your life.
Show Notes:
Areas I Plan:
Goals for the Year – (Grow in Godliness, Love my Family, Serve in the Church, Fellowship with Christians, Evangelize non-Christians, Attend to my Work, Care for My Physical Health)
Monthly Calendar
Category List – (Home, Family, Calls/Letters, Blog Tasks, Office Work, Ministry/Church, Personal)
Weekly Calendar
Daily To-Do List
Books to Read
Top 10 Benefits I Love about Using a Planner:
- More productive
- Don’t miss appointments
- Helps me to manage my time well
- Clears my mind (especially at night before bed)
- Memories recorded of special days or events
- Helps me to be intentional in my relationships
- Keeps me reminded of thank you’s and encouraging notes to send out.
- I make more intentional choices
- I love using pen and paper instead of technology – it’s a stress reliever for me
- I have more free time because my time is focused and not wasted
“We cannot add time; we can only exercise stewardship over the time we are given.” ~ Albert Mohler
Scripture & Resouces
Podcast Episode 10: Setting Spiritual Priorities for the New Year
Spiritual Priorities for the New Year Blog Post
Prayer Calendar Val Marie Paper
My Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly Tasks
Podcast Episode 16: Simplify Your Homekeeping with a Cleaning Schedule
Podcast Episode 14: Simple Tips for a Clutter-Free Home
We cannot add time; we can only exercise stewardship over the time we are givenDownload this episode (right click and save)
Just finished listening to this, Marci . . . so encouraging! Right up my alley 🙂 Also thankful that you list the resources here! Have a great weekend 🙂