EP 112: Jesus, the Law and the Christian (Matthew 5:17-20 – Sermon on the Mount Series)
Jesus did not come to do away with the Law—He came to fulfill it. As we continue on in our series on the Sermon on the Mount we will see…
The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7) is one of Jesus’ most well-known teachings, calling His followers to live in a way that reflects the character of God’s kingdom. In these passages, Jesus teaches on the Beatitudes, righteousness, prayer, trusting God, and the heart attitudes that mark a life surrendered to Him. This category explores these powerful truths, offering biblical insights and practical encouragement to help you apply Jesus’ words to your daily walk as a Christian woman, wife, mother, and homemaker.
Jesus did not come to do away with the Law—He came to fulfill it. As we continue on in our series on the Sermon on the Mount we will see…
We who were once not just in darkness, but we were darkness, now have the glorious privilege to be light in the Lord.
In this next episode of the Sermon on the Mount, we start with two common pictures we’re all familiar with from everyday life. No matter your location in the world—you…
We are coming to a climax today as we finish the last of the beatitudes in our series on the Sermon on the Mount. 10 “Blessed are those who are…
Being peacemakers is important to God. Our God is the God of peace. He has made peace for us through Christ, has reconciled us to Himself, and He now calls…
The gift of physical sight is wonderful. Yet we are talking today about a seeing that surpasses that of even someone being blind and seeing for the first time. We are…
Showing mercy to others is a sign we have been redeemed. And as the verse, Matthew 5:7 states: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. If we are…
We all know what it feels like at times to be hungry or thirsty, but there are a hunger and thirst that should be far more concerning to us that…
Meekness is often defined as power under control, and in the case of the Spirit-filled believer, he or she is under the control of God’s Spirit. Meekness towards God is…
True spiritual mourning produces a hatred for our sin and a repentant heart that desires to be in a right relationship with the Lord. We should desire to be holy…
The Sermon on the Mount lays out for us what it means to be a citizen of Christ’s kingdom. The chapters we’re working through in Matthew 5-7 layout for us…
John Stott opened his book The Message of the Sermon on the Mount: Christian Counter-Culture with this sentence: “The Sermon on the Mount is probably the best-known part of the…
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