The Needed Reminder: Every Day is a Gift

yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.James 4:14
I am a type A personality. I tend to get so focused on the tasks before me that sometimes I don’t respond well to the relationship that is before me. It can be something as simple as my children talking to me why I’m answering an email and only listening to them with a part of my mind or my husband taking the time to hug me while I’m doing dishes and I don’t stop but sinfully am a bit irritated thinking, “can’t he see I’m busy at the moment?”
You see, my heart was awakened again today to the reality that we are not promised tomorrow. I have a dear friend who I love so much and she is losing her husband to cancer. She understands the precious gift of time. I want to cherish every moment the Lord has given me with my Doug and my children and grand babies. It doesn’t mean my responsibilities just go away but it means I see them with new eyes and with different priorities.
Today my prayer is again:
“Lord help me to be intentional to give my family my undivided attention. Remind me to pause and cherish every moment and delight in this family you have given me that I love so much. The dishes and emails and laundry will be there but those moments when loved ones are ready to share their hearts and hugs may not be. Remind me again and again that life is a gift and to make the most of each day you have given me.”
“We have only the time allotted by God, and none of us knows when it will run out. Every Christian life runs by His divine timetable and against His divine clock. We do not know how long He will hold open the door of a given opportunity or of our entire time of service. “Be careful how you walk,” Paul counsels, “not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:16). God gives us many things without limit – His love, His grace, and many others. But His gift of time is strictly measured.”~ John MacArthur
Related Links:
Kara Tippetts Cancer Story
The Hardest Peace
That is the exact reminder I needed today! I completely understand where you are coming from and struggle to juggle it all. When I am on a mission, please don’t interrupt or mama won’t be happy! But I know that is not what God wants from me! I am such a work in progress, but I know He is changing me slowly and although I can’t see it, He is bringing awareness to my stubborn heart! It’s a pleasure to find you through Capture the Joy link-up and I am now a new follower.
Words of wisdom! Thank you for sharing and prayers for your friend.
Blessings~ Lori