Embracing Every Moment: Mother’s Day Thoughts
Inside: As a mother and grandmother, I appreciate the significance of treasuring every moment spent with family, especially when children are young. Learn to embrace each day as a gift from the Lord, both in the midst of daily chores and life’s beautiful moments.

My memories of when my children were young are fainter than I would like (thank you, Lord, for photos and videos), but I do have moments where I remember what it was like to be a mom of littles where chaos seemed to rule at times.
Listen to EP 144: Embracing Every Moment (8 minutes) or read a portion of the episode below (4 minutes):
It seemed like yesterday that I was taking in the sweet scent of my newborn, and now my newborn has her own children. My grandmother reminded me to cherish these days because they go by so fast. I’m now the grandmother and want to remind my young mamas that it’s true.
We don’t get a do-over, but we have lessons learned that the Lord allows us to share with others. I share here about our walk with the Lord as Christian women and much about keeping a home and caring for our families. I do this because I learned early on that we don’t get more hours in our day.
Being Intentional:
Even before I came to Christ as a young mom, I wanted to have an impact on my family so they knew they were loved and cared for. I loved taking care of my family and home. I wanted to have time to be intentional together, but I also wanted to enjoy life’s everyday moments together.
Suppose I allowed my planning to take over and rule; those everyday moments would be missed. As I matured, I learned to manage my home while allowing for the Lord’s plan in my days. Not perfectly, but I have become more aware of it as the years go by.
You can’t let undone chores or tasks take priority over your relationships at home. You must embrace those moments and make time in your day to “stop and smell the roses.”
She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:26-27
I don’t have littles underfoot anymore, and I can still find myself doing this with my husband. He is more important than laundry, and it will be waiting for me, but that moment with him may not be.
Delighting in Everyday Moments:
When my grandbabies come over, it’s a great reminder to see life through a child’s eyes again. Mamas take the time to get down on their level and see what they see. Be amazed at that butterfly; watch those ants crawl across the driveway, lie on the ground, and look up at the clouds.
Let those popsicles and ice cream cones drip all over. Faces and clothes can be washed. You know they had a good day when they come in covered from head to toe in dirt. Please have a good belly laugh with them at their silly jokes and make up your own. Dance together in the kitchen with loud music and cuddle close for storytimes and prayers.
Our work in our homes will always be there; it is a reality of life. Don’t look at your work in your home as begrudgingly but look at it as a delight and give thanks that you have a home and family that needs to be cared for. Don’t stop learning how to improve your home management because when you manage your home well, you will automatically have more free time in your day.
Learn to embrace each point in time as a gift from the Lord, the chores, and the beautiful moments.
Take a walk together and hold hands and give thanks for the sweet smile and little voice that will grow up so quickly. Pray for and with those little ones and big ones too. Let them see your great love for God and His Word. Let them see your love for others. Hug them, love them, and laugh much together.
Cherish every moment, my dear Mama.
I learned more about Christianity from my mother than from all the theologians in England.
~ John Wesley
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Motherhood: Delighting in Our Children eBook
What does parenting by the gospel look like? There are many resources and books available that teach us to have the gospel as the center of our parenting, but what does this mean? And what does it look like in our daily lives as moms?
Hello Marci 🙂 Your writings on your website are such an encouragement to me and I especially love your podcasts! A few posts back you mentioned about a website you are using for creating photo books from the photos on your phone….I cant remember the name of it or find it on recent posts! Could you please let me know the website name again?
Thanks so much and hope you have a blessed day & thank you for all your hard work
Stacey thank you for your sweet encouragement xo. It is Chatbooks and I use the app on my phone but sometimes I like to login on the computer when I’m captioning the photos for each book. I love the simplicity on my iPhone that only the ones I favorite (click on the little heart – because I’m so untechy lol) go into the books. Let me know how you liked it if/when you try it 🙂