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Homemaking 101 Series: Simple Ways to Get a Jump Start On Your Day


"The simple truth - every day is precious. When it's gone, it never comes back to you." @mferrell

“The simple truth – every day is precious. When it’s gone, it never comes back to you.”

~ Emilie Barnes

I know what you’re thinking, another post on morning routines or evening routines. Is it really needed? This is one of the areas I get the most emails about: “How do I make the most of my days?”

We all have various routines we go through, and they become habits. No one tells you to brush your teeth – it just happens. Shouldn’t it be the same about making your bed? Starting and finishing a load of laundry? Reading God’s Word? Cleaning up the dishes?

If there is one thing I wish I could get every woman to try is to set up a morning and evening routine (maybe an afternoon routine too – especially with young children at home) and be diligent in it for at least a month before you give up on it.  I am not talking about a rigid schedule where each item has to be done at a certain time, but a routine that helps your day to flow.

If there is one thing I wish I could get every woman to try is to set up a morning and evening routine and be diligent in it for at least a month before you give up on it. Click to Tweet

As Christian parents, we desire to teach our children about the Lord.  As you’re working through your routine list pray about what are the most important priorities to you as a Christian family, and make sure they are part of your day.

One of the best ways to set up your days is to take time writing down everything you do in a day. I’m talking everything.  From the moment you wake until your head hits the pillow. It will expose areas of your life where there is not good productivity and show you where wasted time is being spent.

I know all you creative types out there are saying that is ridiculous but the main point you’re missing when you say this is when you plan you have a lot more free time for creative projects.

A Good Morning Starts the Night Before

This is one area that can’t be overlooked. The few minutes you take planning and prepping before bed will make your morning transition so much smoother. My evening list is here, but I’m going to give some thoughts on what might be on your list. I’m not writing your list for you, but you need to determine what your family’s needs are and take care of those. We are all in different seasons, and our lists will look different, and they will change as our families go through the next seasons of life.

– Take the time to clean up your kitchen before bed. There is nothing worse than waking up to sink full of dirty dishes. Prep ahead for breakfast or at least have a breakfast plan. Menu planning comes in handy here.

– Look at your calendar before bed so you don’t forget an appointment you may have early in the day. Been there, done that and it’s not fun.

– If you don’t want to lay out your clothes the night before, at least ponder in your mind what you’re going to wear in the morning. It is nice to wake up to clothes ready to go.

– Check and write out your to-do list for the next day. It helps me to sleep better so things are off my mind and on paper.

– Do you have a specific way you get ready for bed every night? Washing your face and putting cream on or maybe you shower before bed.

– Set an alarm and try to get up at the same time every day if possible. (This is always an area where much grace is offered to Mamas with babies that are waking through the night. You just need to get sleep when you can.)

– Go to bed as early as you possibly can.

– Try to avoid screen time before bed. We’ve all seen the studies on how it affects your sleep so try reading from God’s Word before bed. I’ve enjoyed reading Christian biographies before bed. In just a week or two, I can get an edifying book in by just reading a few minutes before bed each night.

– Pray before you go to sleep.

Getting a Good Start to Your Day

A morning routine is a good jump start to your day. Mine is written out on an index card and taped inside one of my cupboards.  I rarely look at it unless I find myself distracted and not focusing well that morning. I can then just look at it and “Do the Next Thing.”

Here are some thoughts of items that would be part of a morning routine. These are just suggestions ladies :). This is where the list that you wrote above of what you do in the day comes in handy for planning.

– Exercise

– Shower and get dressed.

– Prayer

Time in God’s Word

– Make your bed

Tidy your bathroom

– Drink water

– Get a load of laundry started. Do only one load a day if that is all you can handle to get a complete cycle finished. A complete cycle would be to wash, dry, fold and put it away.

– Breakfast

– Take Vitamins

What’s for Dinner?

– Review calendar and to do list for the day

– Time in the Word and prayer with the children

– Ask your husband how you can help him today.

Today is a New Day

Ladies, all the tasks above take discipline.  It is easier just to wing it and act like these things aren’t important. But they are. How can you make the most of your days that the Lord has gifted you with if you have no plan or purpose to them?  I know there are challenging seasons, but this should not be the pattern of your life.

If you are drowning in chaos and clutter, this is a great are of your life to start planning in and making changes.  These are simple routines that help your day to start and end with a purpose.

I can attest that I have MUCH MORE FREE TIME when my days are planned. It frees me up to meet ministry needs, be a good helper to my husband and spend more time studying the Word.

As Christian women, we desire all of our lives to bring glory to God and your home is your main sphere of influence to do that in.

If you’ve been failing at this put that aside and be reminded today is a new day. Your family will appreciate a home with beauty and order and a focus that is on Christ throughout the day.

“Resolve to make every day count. Be a woman of action. Treat each day as precious.”

~ Emilie Barnes


This is the day that the Lord has made;

We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24





  1. Thanks so much for the reminder and ur wonderful blog! I’m in a crazy season of caregiving for a parent, middle age myself, still caring for dogs, and feeling overwhelmed and losing myself…so I get lazy and care for those that I need to and neglect my home and myself most days..I don’t live in a pig style, but clutter builds and I’ve given up on my crafts, scrapbooking and other fun things I used to enjoy. I’ve printed out all of ur morning and evening routines and prayerfully, I will feel inspired to become organized once again. God bless, keep doing what u do…I thoroughly enjoy reading ur work. ❤️✝️????

  2. Thanks for the post. A timely reminder!!

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