Homemaking 101 Series: Getting Dressed

To some of you, this post may seem a bit silly – getting dressed in a Homemaking 101 Series?? Well, to some of us moms being home can get us in a rut of spending the day working in our pajamas. Been there. Done that. I remember hiding while someone knocked on the door because we were still in our pajamas. Yep, not very proud moments of my life but they taught me a lesson. Get dressed!!!
To some of us moms, being home can get us in a rut of spending the day working in our pajamas. Been there. Done thatThis post is simple and to the point. Figure out how you can get up and dressed every day (Illness and special circumstances are excused. Although even when I’m sick, showering and getting dressed just seems to make me feel a bit better). This may be a bit more of a challenge if you have littles underfoot but make it happen. It’s a good example for your children, you will work more productively if you are dressed for the job at hand, and your husband will appreciate it!
Since I’m a list maker, let’s look at benefits and some tips to help you make it happen:
-Shower first thing in the morning or shower in the evening after the kids go to bed if morning showers are too hard.
-Lay your clothes out the night before.
-If you wear make-up, put it on when you get dressed in the morning.
-Style your hair.
-You work more productively when you’re dressed. You have an important job mom so why not be dressed for it!
-Put on a pretty apron to work. It does make me feel like I’m getting dressed for a job plus it protects my clothes :).
-You will be ready to greet whoever pops over to visit.
-It’s a great example for your children to get up and prepared for the day.
-If you have any errands to run, you will be ready to go.
-A last-minute call from a friend for coffee or a playdate and you can just head out the door 🙂
-Tidy up again before your husband comes home. Brush your hair and teeth. Touch up your make up and tidy your outfit. Be ready to greet him with a big hug and kiss when he comes home.
Get dressed every day (unless you’re sick). Pretty simple. As the ad says, “Just do it.” Any tips or thoughts, please share it with us in the comments.
Related Resources:
The Christian Homemaker’s Handbook by Dorothy Kelley Patterson
The Peacefulness of an Evening Routine
My Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly Tasks
I don’t like working in my nightclothes but with 3 kiddos 5 and under and 6 all together, sometimes I jump out of bed and just start running from one task to another. It can easily reach 11 before I realize I’m not dressed for the day or my hair isn’t done yet. I do give myself grace in this area though. No use beating yourself up about it. Just try again tomorrow. That’s how I got in the habit of always having shoes or sandals on. It’s so much easier to run outside when you have something on your feet!
This was a good reminder. I’ve got a 2 month old and I’m a stay-at-home Mom. There have been times, especially in his first few weeks where I was looking like a hot mess! But now I’m getting more sleep and I need to be better about this!! I’ve had some difficulties dressing my post partum body but it goes make me feel much better to be more put together!
I never realized what a difference it makes, but putting on real clothes, even if they are casual, helps me to be more productive and feel better about myself! I have decided that my standard is that if someone unexpected comes to the door, I don’t want to be embarrassed. I don’t always put makeup on if I’m not going anywhere. Thanks for this simple reminder–especially since I’m due next week and it will be easy to be in the newborn fog!
Love this! It’s so true that you’ll feel more ready for your day and more productive. And I love that freshening up before your husband gets home isn’t frowned upon in the comments. I thought that I’d find “your husband will love no matter what you wear” comments on here haha! I love nothing more than greeting my husband at the door with a hug & kiss, smelling fresh and really good.
Sometimes it’s that pop of color on your lips or the body spray you haven’t wore in a while that accentuate a little confidence. Being a foster mom to 3 siblings and I have a 3 1/2 yr old son that keep me more than busy, I have to find time to be ok with my outfit, even if I stayed inside all day. God knows I would walk in constant depression if I stayed in my jammies and didn’t take care of myself. It’s hard mommas but there is always time. Use it wisely! That’s my daily prayer!
I love this, simple but true! I love being in my pjs, but honestly I am super ashamed if I have to hide behind the door when the FedEx man comes and I’m braless! ???? And my husband does his best to always smell good and showers and changes as soon as he gets out of work. And I know he loves me regardless, he displays it often, but I’m sure it’s nice to see his wife dressed and made up when he gets home. Plus, I love the spontaneity of trips to town for lunch or the library, but hate the rush of getting everyone dressed and decent looking and remembering that I myself am still looking like a mombie! Thanks for the tips, you’d be surprised how many young mothers are clueless to these kinds of these things.
Marci, not judging anyone (especially moms!), but is this really a “thing”? I have always gotten dressed in the morning, and my mother always did, too. Not dressing seems like something that would feel like a downer every time I caught a glimpse of myself.
Jean, I know it seems odd to many but some stay at home moms can get in the habit of not getting dressed especially if they’re not going out. I’ve been there before as a young mom but that was not the example of my grandmother. She was up and dressed and working (and singing) every morning early. So thankful for her example to me. I do think it’s so much more productive to work through our days when we’re dressed too!
This was exactly what I wanted and needed to hear .thanks so much as this inspired me so much.life is very short and I want to enjoy every bit of it in God s way especially when my little ones are under my care.
Needed to read this today. Thank you!
How should you dress as a housewife? Should you dress up (Nice blouse, jeans, jewelry, etc) with an apron, or yoga pants , tee shirt, sneakers? I want to start good habits early 🙂
Dress for success, you feel as good/polished as you look! Do your best,give God the rest ????
I love this!!! This will be my first week to be a true stay at home wife/mom. I have been a babysitter for the past five years and till now I have always had to get dressed to greet parents. I can already see how easy it can be to get in the jammie rut. This is a great reminder to stay in the routine of getting ready for my boys and husband . Thank you so much and I love your blog <3
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As I stand here in my pajamas. I have done a good amount of work this morning already but for some reason, I do always put off getting dressed. Thanks for the friendly reminder.
I love my Jammie’s too so I know where you’re coming from :). Thank you for stopping by.
I just woke up. Still in my PJs sitting on the sofa thinking about what exactly I need to do today, first is coffee then the laundry and other chores. Getting dressed usually isnt in there and then when i do its uaully yoga pants or shorts. Lol.
Megan, I love your honesty lol. It is Saturday morning here at 10:00 am and I’m still in my jammies ;).
This is something I learned to do very early in marriage. There were times I struggled with finding the time to get washed up and dressed with a newborn. Until, I figured out I could put the baby buckled up in the car seat and put her on the floor in the bathroom with me. That way she could hear my voice and I could peek out at her. Was able to take a quick shower and quickly get dressed.
Other times I would shower up before my husband left for work. It just made my day much more pleasant to feel fresh and tidy.
So many times, I’ve been thankful to have been dressed down to my shoes. In our old apartment, the fire alarm in other units would go off frequently. I was always ready to evacuate if necessary, or ready for a package delivery, or neighbor popping over.
Thanks for the great post!