Memorizing Colossians – July Encouragement

Summer is a great time to boost your time on scripture memory. Our schedules seem to be a little more relaxed and hopefully we will get more time in God’s Word.
What are some methods you use to memorize scripture? I have simple methods listed below and a new one that has become a favorite and helpful in hiding God’s Word in my heart – Scripture Typer.
1. Use index cards and keep them handy.
2. Tape scripture all over my house (kitchen, laundry room, bathroom mirror and shower glass). The trick is you have to look at it, read it and repeat it!!
3. Recite it to myself throughout the day.
4. Scripture Typer is free to use online or available from the Apple Store as an app for your iPhone or iPad. The review feature is my favorite and I use it on my iPad.
5. Listen to it by audio book.
6. Read my verses from the Bible in the morning and evening.
7. Recite them to my husband before we go to bed.
Overview of July’s Memorizing Schedule
July 1
Review Colossians Chapters 1 & 2
July 8
Colossians 3:1-2 / Review Colossians 2
July 15
Colossians 3:3-4 / Review Colossians 3:1-2
July 22
Colossians 3:5-6 / Review Colossians 3:1-4
July 29
Colossians 3:7-8 / Review Colossians 3:1-6
August 5
Colossians 3:9-10 / Review Colossians 3:1-8
Scripture Memory How & Why by Bob Jennings
Related Links:
Hello Marci,
I am visiting from A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. I was encouraged to see your Colossians posts. I began memorising Colossians at the start of 2011 inspired by Ann Voskamp and although I did not keep up with the 2 verses a week, I have been keeping going and am now up to chapter 3 verse 17. May I encourage anyone who reads this, to 1. begin and 2. to keep going, even if it is slowly. There is such a blessing in memorising scripture and the words really do seep in. One thing I have discovered is that I don’t have to have a verse perfected before I move on to the next one. As I keep reviewing the verses, even by reading them out loud, the pattern of the words lodges more firmly in my brain. (Note: I do learn the exact words in the version I have chosen though – in case my above comment indicated otherwise.)
Wonderful thoughts- I have really been wanting to kick up our memorization of scripture. I love that you are memorizing a full book!
@Tina – you can start right where we are at but I personally would probably start at the beginning. Here is a link to the first post – and the Colossians tab at the top takes you to the monthly posts. What a blessing to have you join in. Let me know if I can help in any other way 🙂
I would like to memorize Colossians too. Do you suggest starting at chapter 1 or just joining in with chapter 3?
Dawn thanks for your note because it reminded me to put a link to the previous Colossians posts :). There is a link on the tabs to all the previous Colossians posts since January and each month has a schedule. I am excited that you are going to join in!
Marci, Colossians is one of my favorite books! I may join in with this since I just was looking for a scripture focus for a cute Index Card booklet I bought (very inexpensive) but was going to do a verse a day. Hmmm…I will be away and offline for a week (the 7th -14th but since you have the schedule, I could keep it up no problem. Hmm…Started yesterday, right? Is there anything else I missed post wise that I should see?
I also love all your ideas to keep scripture before you! Happy Monday!