Memorizing Colossians – March Encouragement

We are in the third month of memorizing Colossians and I am just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I had a difficult time last month staying focused and am not where I would like to be in my memorizing of Colossians. Since we are memorizing only two verses a week, I am hoping to get back on track in March and have taken up an accountability partner at church to help me stay focused during the week. My dear friend and I are going to encourage each other in our memorizing of God’s Word but also what He is teaching us through His Word.
This brings me to the next question this month from the booklet I am reading called A Call to Scripture Memory by Susan Heck.
Last month we answered the question:
Who should Memorize Scripture?
This month we are looking briefly at:
Why should we memorize Scripture?
Some reasons from A Call to Scripture Memory are:
- Having Scripture in our hearts will convict us of sin and we will sin less.
- God’s Word is powerful and changes lives. Memorizing Scripture can point out our sin to us as it teaches us to discern sinful thoughts and intentions.
- God’s Word commands it – Deuteronomy 6:6
- It will help us in sharing the Gospel with others and in counseling others.
- It transforms our minds.
- It keeps us from error.
- What better way to grow in our love for God than by memorizing the letters He has written us
Overview of March’s Memorization Schedule
February 26
Colossians 1:17-18 / Review Colossians 1:1-16
March 4
Colossians 1:19-20 / Review Colossians 1:1-18
March 11
Colossians 1:21-22 / Review Colossians 1:1-20
March 18
Colossians 1:23-24 / Review Colossians 1:1-22
March 25
Colossians 1:25-26 / Review Colossians 1:1-24
You are commanded to put aside the sinful practices of your old self, to be changed by a renewing of the mind, and to put on Christlike practices of your new self. Memorizing God’s Word is foundational to that process.
~ Biblical Counseling Foundation ~
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I am going to do this even if I am more than 3 month late!!r
I only have Colossians 4 to go to finish memorizing it…been working on it for a while! So glad to stumble on this blog to help me finish it up! Thanks!