EP 7: Getting Ready for Company Fast – Your Home and Heart
Inside: I appreciate being able to make my family feel comfy and well cared for along with those we show hospitality to, so I use this list for an occasional quick clean-up for my own family and for company too.

The quick cleaning method I’m going to share with you has been serving me well for many years. I appreciate being able to make my family feel comfy and well cared for along with those we show hospitality to, so I use this list for an occasional quick clean-up for my family and for company too. Come listen in today as I share my top ten tips for getting ready for company fast.
Listen to the Podcast:
Related Resources:
Quick Clean Checklist Free PDF in the Free Library
Weekly Cleaning Schedule Free PDF
My Favorite Cleaning Products and Tools
EP 126: My Simple Daily & Weekly Cleaning Routine
EP 16: Simplify Your Housekeeping with a Cleaning Schedule
Show Notes:
My Top Ten List Before Company:
1. Tidy the rooms you will spend time in. For us, it’s usually the Family Room – straighten, fluff pillows, pick up items that don’t belong in that room, tidy the coffee tables and give it quick feather dust and dim the lights (seriously, it is nice to have people over when it’s dark out). Vacuum just the main traffic areas or where needed.
2. Feather dust or use a microfiber rag and spot wipe any other areas (fingerprints etc.) you notice around the main traffic areas where people will be. If you see fingerprints on a mirror, just clean them, not the whole mirror.
3. Vacuum the traffic areas of the rooms you will mainly be using.
4. Kitchen – Wash all dishes and dry. After drying dishes, take the towel and wipe appliance fronts and handles. Tidy the countertop. If you need more counter space, move unnecessary items to another room for the evening. We always end up moving our toaster – it’s a great beverage serving area. Give the kitchen floor a quick sweep in main traffic areas and spot mop the floor (spot mop means just take a mop where it is needed – the Sh-Mop has been a favorite tool). Hang up a fresh dishtowel. I like to make sure my dishwasher is empty, so I’ll run it earlier in the day and empty it, so it’s ready to load dishes in after the night is over. Make sure your garbage cans are empty too!
5. Guest Bathroom – Wipe mirror and counter down with window cleaner and paper towels. Use paper towels to wipe the toilet seat and spray and swish the toilet with cleaner (If you are greener than I am, use a rag and not paper towels. Clean the toilet seat with cleaner and toilet paper and flush it). Give the base of the toilet a quick wipe with the paper towels – the floor around the toilet, too, if you have little boys ;). Change the hand towel and check bathroom supplies. (Read Five Minute Daily Bathroom Tidy.)
6. Entryway – Wipe the front door glass and tidy the entry. Vacuum mat in front of the door and main traffic area if needed.
7. Prepare simple foods and utilize the plates and serving dishes you have on hand to set a beautiful table at no cost – get creative! Paper plates are okay! I love them for crowds.
8. Serve simple beverages – coffee, tea, warm apple cider & water. In the summer, I love iced tea, lemonade, and water. I have been known to buy those items instead of making them myself.
9. Tidy yourself up.
10. Make your home feel cozy with dimmers on your lights, put on some music, and light a few candles.
Scripture & Resources:
1 Peter 4:10
The Lifegiving Home and The Lifegiving Table by Sally Clarkson

Again, we leave blessed! I am so enjoying these along with my sweet 6 daughter’s. We are finding ourselves asking “does Mrs Ferrell have on a new pod-cast”? Smile thanks for sharing and reminding us the truth behind…”Biblical-hospitality”! Blessings
You up-north friends,
Lori and Mayo maidens
Thank you so much for sharing with me – it made my day! Hug your girls for me and I look forward to sitting with you all each week.
Much love,
Mrs. Ferrell 😉
Great list! Simple to follow with no unnecessary extras 🙂 I love that you added “tidy yourself up” – so important! 😉