Romancing Your Husband
Inside: Some practical reminders to not let the busyness of the day rob you of taking the time to truly enjoy this man that captured your heart so many years ago.

Do you find yourself so busy serving your husband that you don’t take the time to delight in him? When he enters the room, do you stop and enjoy his presence, and does he know you are thankful to the Lord for him?
Are you more concerned with him meeting your needs than you meeting his? Do the kids and the busyness of the day rob you of taking the time to truly enjoy this man that captured your heart so many years ago?
Do you find yourself so busy serving your husband that you don't take the time to truly delight in him?Listen in to EP 137: Romancing Your Husband (10 Minutes) or Read the Post Below (5 minutes):
Recommended Resources:
Enjoying Ordinary & Special Moments with Your Spouse {with 70 Fun Date Night Ideas}
My Recommended Books on Christian Marriage
Take in these wise words from Shirley Rice:
“Are you in love with your husband? Not, Do you love him? I know you do. He has been around a long time, and you’re used to him.
He is the father of your children. But are you in love with him? How long has it been since your heart really squeezed when you looked at him? . . .
Why is it you have forgotten the things that attracted you to him at first? . . . Your husband needs to be told that you love him, that he is attractive to you.
By the grace of God, I want you to start changing your thought pattern. Tomorrow morning, get your eyes off the toaster or the baby bottles long enough to LOOK at him.
Don’t you see the way his coat fits his shoulders? Look at his hands. Do you remember when just to look at his strong hands made your heart lift?
Well, LOOK at him and remember. Then loose your tongue and tell him you love him.
Will you ask the Lord to give you a sentimental, romantic, physical, in-love kind of love for your husband? He will do this.”
The following excerpt is taken from Romance in a Busy Marriage:
“Linda Dillow developed a list of “resolves” and reads them at least once a year. These would be good for every wife to adopt as her own:
- I resolve to keep my husband my second priority after God.
- I resolve to not settle for mediocrity in my marriage.
- I resolve to look at life through [her husband’s] eyes.
- I resolve to grow as a sensuous lover.
- I resolve to give rather than receive.
- I resolve to be faithful to my marriage vows, not only in word but also in intent.”
May I encourage you to take some time to write down and make an action plan on how you can intentionally romance your husband on a daily basis.
Some Thoughts on living it out:
- Notes in his lunch
- Sweet text messages throughout the day
- Calling him just to tell him you love him
- Mailing a love letter to his office
- Wearing his favorite outfit on you
- Cooking his favorite meal
- Candlelit dinner for two after the kids are in bed
- Making his favorite dessert
- Enjoying the stars on a clear evening together
- Taking a walk
- Greeting him with a kiss when he comes home
- Kissing him before he leaves for work
- Writing a sweet love letter
- Thanking him for being such a good husband and provider
- Complimenting him
- Taking the time to really listen to him
- Holding his hand
- Asking him how you can pray for him
- Praying for him before he leaves for the day
- Telling him daily – many times- that you love him
- Giving thanks to the Lord for your husband
Additional Resources:
Intimate Issues: Twenty-One Questions Christian Women Ask About Sex by Linda Dillow
This is a wonderful post!! We loved having you link up to our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday.” We hope you’ll be back with more great recipes! -The Sisters
@Katiejean – I agree with you that respect and honor are of first importance but out of that flows my desire to cherish the gift he is to me from the Lord. I don’t ever want to forget to care for him and let him know how much he is loved and thought about throughout my day. The hope of the post was to have us open our eyes to the blessing that our husbands are. My husband is traveling this week and he loves when I pack notes in his suitcase, text him, send photos and emails and we are so thankful for being able to talk on the phone. I miss him and want him to know that I am thinking of him throughout my day. Maybe he doesn’t “need” it but he sure loves it 🙂
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I don’t think our husbands crave love notes, sweet text messages, holding their hand etc. like they crave respect and honor.
Great post Marci- gives me lots to think about and ways to improve! Our marriage is the most important earthly relationship we will have and it’s worth the investment!
I appreciate this! Just this morning, I was acting the fool staring at my husband. So gorgeous! 🙂
Love Linda Dillow’s list of resolves…I like that term “resolve”. I agree, there are things we must fully commit to in our marriage-thanks for sharing 🙂
@Wendy – that is hysterical. It reminded me of the scene in Courageous when he kept telling his boss he loved him before he hung up from the call 🙂
Lovely post! I am reminded of a time when this post was the other way around and my husband text me a lovely romantic text; however, he sent it to his boss in error! Blush ;D His boss sent him a text back saying “I didn’t know you cared!”
Wonderful!! Thanks for linking up with Wisdom Wednesday!
It is so encouraging to see how so many of us are so thankful for the men in our lives. Thank you for sharing your thoughts ladies.
reminds me I better get out of these ugly sweats and put a little bit of blush on!!
I’m giggling because I just had that heart-sqeeze moment a few days ago as I sat across the restaurant table from my husband on date night. I am still in love with him and I’m so grateful to God for that! Thank you for this post!
This was good!! I will come back and read it later tonight and read it again. These are nice things to think about and do as I find myself swiftly shifting from years of mothering. This is a time God has provided to get closer to my husband. His hands are worn from many years of providing for us. Now back to meal planning 😉
Love your thoughts–I took some time to study my husband last week and to tell him what drew my heart to him when we were dating–I could tell it blessed him to hear it–thanks for sharing this:)
Thanks for an encouraging post.
What a wonderful reminder. Sometimes we forget that I husbands like to be romanced as much as we do.
Stopping by from Better Mom Monday!
Love this post, thanks Marci!
This really helped me today! With 2 little ones, its sometimes hard to find the time to ‘date’! Thank you Marci! Awesome ideas!
It makes my husbands day when he open his bag at work and there’s a little treat or note in side. I also like to sneak in his office and leave little gifts!
This is amazing! I’m so encouraged by this post and spurred on to enjoy the GIFT of my husband.
Carly @
This is something I’ve been working on lately. Some days are better than others! lol
Showing our husband we love him is very important. We do many of these things on your list.
With 3 young children I think I often forget this. Thanks for the reminders.
Thank you Michelle – so important that our love is unconditional and not determined by our husband’s actions or words.
May I add to your list…take the focus off yourself, as the wife. Stop focusing on whether your husband reciprocates or initiates the same romance toward you.
I enjoyed your post, but had the above thought pass before me from the sin residing in my heart. I loved the reminder of how my husband’s hands used to be an attraction I had toward him. And how most mornings I don’t look up from the lunch boxes, breakfast plates, and shoelaces to notice my husband walking out the door to provide for us another day.
I came here via The Better Mom today. Thank you for your thoughtful words!