The Example Set Before Me of a Titus 2 Woman

Ladies I had the privilege of traveling to Africa to visit pastors and their families and their churches that our church helps support. There is so much to share about our trip but one area that has stood out to me that I really want to share with you is regarding the couple we were so blessed to go on the trip with.
Pastor Bob and his wife Jacki have been traveling to Africa for over thirty years as this ministry has been developing. Doug and I were so grateful to get to spend over two weeks ministering alongside them and gleaning much from them, not just in their ministry to the brothers and sisters in Africa, but how they ministered to us and what we learned from them.
I don’t have many older Titus 2 women in my life so I cherished my time with Jacki as I was able to watch and learn much from her just as the Word lays out in the spirit of Titus 2. There was some formal teaching time as we participated in a women’s conference but most of our time was informal to be able to talk and listen to her wisdom that she has gleaned over her many years of walking with the Lord, being a mother, grandmother and a Pastor’s wife.
So ladies, I want to encourage you today to never be in a place where you think you know it all or have it all together. I never want you to stop being a learner because there are many Christian women who have much to pour into you and have walked before you in areas of studying the Word, their marriages, raising their children and caring for their homes.
How Jacki Impacted My Life:
The theme of the conference was Shine for Christ in a Dark World and Jacki was a lamp used by Christ in my life during this trip.
She lives a life surrendered to Christ and was a beautiful example to all the women around her of what a godly women is and how she should conduct herself.
Her love for the saints was evident. She served them and loved on them (even at times when wasn’t feeling well). She put the needs of others before herself.
She is generous in giving special gifts to others but she is also generous in her hugs and smiles too.
She took me under her wing and loved on me, poured into me and encouraged me.
She is a teacher of goodness and her life backs up what she teaches.
She modeled love and biblical submission to her husband. She was a beautiful example of what it means to be a helpmeet.
She is kind and pleasant and joyful to be around.
Her life revealed a love for her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in everything she did.
The role she set before me was one of what a mature Christian woman should look like.
My Prayer:
Please help us to understand and grasp the powerful example our Christian walk is to fellow believers. May we be women who desire to grow in reverent behavior so we will be known for our confidence in You. Help us to cultivate inner beauty which is precious in your sight. May we strive to build each other up and edify.
Help us to be women who are disciplined, teachers of goodness and able to give good counsel to the younger women in our lives. May we know your Word and how to rightly interpret and apply it to our lives – keep us as students always learning more about You and Your ways.
Help us to love You with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Help us to love our husbands and children well. Keep us content to the sphere of influence you have placed us within our homes.
Protect us from the danger of pride. Remind us we don’t know it all and can learn so much from others – keep us humble. Help us to become mature Christian women who seek You with our whole hearts and desire to glorify You in all things.
Related Articles:
Loving Our Husbands
Loving Our Children Part One
Loving Our Children Part Two
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I have a woman like that in my life and oh how I strive to be a woman like that to others. The Titus model is what is so missing from community and I want to help women grow and discover this wonderful way of being together – thank you for sharing your thoughts