20 Ways to Find Time with the Lord: When Your Days are Crazy Busy
Inside: 20 Ways to Find Time with the Lord When Your Days are Crazy Busy. {Free PDF Download}

As homemakers, there is much on our plates, and you can find it difficult to squeeze in time with the Lord on a daily basis.
One of the aspects of the life of Christ that stands out to me is that Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry. Even when crowds of people surround him, he always made time for what was most important—time with His Father.
One of the aspects of the life of Christ that stands out to me is that Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry.15 But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to healed of their infirmities. 16 But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. Luke 5:15-16
How many times when life is busy, and I seem to be in the midst of chaos and continually in a hurry, is sitting at the feet of Jesus the last item on my list? If it even makes the list. Sitting with Jesus is what is needed most, and I know that, but I feel like if I take the time to sit, the items on my list will be left undone.
I look at Luke 5:15 above and see the crowd, and they were coming to be healed. I need to come to Jesus to be healed and forgiven of my sins of self-sufficiency and pride because these are evident in a life that is not taking the time to meet with Him.
All the things going on inside my heart, my concerns, anxiousness, my brokenness, heartbreak, and disappointments, may not be physical diseases, but I struggle with the disease of sin, and Jesus can heal me. Jesus is where I will find rest and freedom.
This list isn’t meant to replace your normal bible reading and prayer time but is meant to give you some options when your day didn’t go as planned or your day ahead is unusually busy. Maybe you slept in, or your kiddos woke up earlier than usual. Or you may not be feeling well, or you may be tending to sick children. Maybe you’re just in a season of feeling overwhelmed and know that time with the Lord is what you need the most, and you don’t know where to begin.
I pray this list to download for free here will ignite your spiritual walk and remind you that anytime with the Lord is better than no time. Many of the items would be great disciplines to work into our ordinary days and make habits. I would love to be intentional and pray when I’m doing various chores or remember to pray before my feet hit the floor in the morning.
So when you subscribe to Thankful Homemaker to get access to this download and others in the Free Resource Library, I pray this will be a start in helping you to make time with the Lord when you’re in a season of busyness.
