Search Results for: prayer

The Lord's prayer is a pattern for prayer that is beneficial for all those in Christ to use. The first three requests have to do with God's glory, and the last three requests are for our good.
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EP 127: The Proper Pattern for Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15 – Sermon on the Mount Series)

We begin our next section as we work through the Sermon on the Mount, warning us not to be like the hypocrites. Our reminder in this next section is still for us not to do our righteous deeds to be seen by men, and this includes our prayer life. Matthew 6:5-15: 5 “And when you pray,…

Prayer reminds us we are dependent on God for every aspect of our lives and we grow in that relationship by communing with Him in prayer.
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Podcast EP 56: Prayer (Spiritual Disciplines Series)

Prayer is simply talking to God. As believers, we have access to God the Father through our relationship with Jesus Christ. Prayer reminds us we are dependent on God for every aspect of our lives and we grow in that relationship by communing with Him in prayer. Donald Whitney reminds us in regards to the spiritual…

Discover how a brain dump and a daily plan can bring order to your day as a Christian homemaker. Learn practical tips to manage your time, reduce stress, and focus on what truly matters—serving the Lord and your family.
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EP 165: Bringing Order to Your Day: The Benefits of a Brain Dump and a Daily Plan for Homemakers

Inside: Discover how a brain dump and a daily plan can bring order to your day as a Christian homemaker. Learn practical tips to manage your time and focus on what truly matters—serving the Lord and your family. As we shift from the busy days of summer to the cozier pace of fall, I find…

Gossip is a prevalent and poisonous sin that is so often not dealt with. Our words have power—they can bring death or life to our relationships.
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EP 164: Resisting Gossip: Using Words to Build Up 

Inside: Gossip is a harmful sin often overlooked, but our words have the power to bring life or death to relationships. Join us as we explore what the Bible says about gossip and practical ways to guard our speech to build others up with grace. Gossip is a prevalent and poisonous sin that is often…

Discover how to cultivate grace-filled speech with biblical wisdom and practical tips. Learn how to use your words to honor God and uplift those around you in everyday conversations.
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Practical Ways to Cultivate Grace-Filled Speech

Inside: Discover how to cultivate grace-filled speech with biblical wisdom and practical tips. Learn how to use your words to honor God and uplift those around you in everyday conversations. Practical Ways to Cultivate Grace-Filled Speech In our recent podcast, Episode 164: Resisting Gossip: Using Words to Build Up, we delved into the challenging topic…

EP 163: Wisely Navigating Our Technology
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EP 163: Wisely Navigating Our Technology

Inside: We’re exploring the benefits and challenges of our digital lives and walking through some practical tips to use our tech wisely and intentionally technology in a way that aligns with the gospel, enhances our walk with Christ, and doesn’t hinder it. Wisely Navigating Our Technology In today’s world, our smartphones have become almost indispensable….

A welcome doormat showing hospitality to those entering our home.
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EP 161: Cultivating Biblical Hospitality in Your Home and Life

Inside: In this episode, we delve into biblical hospitality, emphasizing its value in building relationships, making others feel welcome, and always pointing them to Christ. We discuss it as a lifestyle of service, share practical tips, and explore ways to involve our children, all while keeping gatherings stress-free and enjoyable. Today, we’re diving into the…

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